Will not load properly with the newest version of sodium in 1.19
squidprobe21 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Every time i try to boot my game up it just says incompatible mod set and tells me to replace it with a version that works with optifabric 1.13.5, yet sodium 0.4.2+ is the ONLY version currently available for 1.19. please fix this.
This is the error i get everytime i launch the game:
A potential solution has been determined:
Replace mod 'Sodium' (sodium) 0.4.2+build.16 with any version that is compatible with:
optifabric 1.13.5
Unmet dependency listing:
Replace mod 'Sodium' (sodium) 0.4.2+build.16 with any version that is compatible with:
version is present: 1.13.5!
Tried everything i could think of, if theres something i didnt try let me know. currently ive tried replacing the optifabric version with 1.13.4, same error happens. also tried looking for a didnt version of sodium but could only find the one (on curseforge at least). couldnt really think of any other ways of fixing it though.
sodium and optifabric/optifine are incompatible by design. they are patching the same place in different ways.
oh, im an idiot, idk how i immediately forgot that it was a performance mod, for some reason i though it was on of the library mods i had. my bad!
how did you fix it in the end?
you just dont use the 2 of them together, they are incompatible with no exceptions