


Support 1.19.3

ShulkerSakura opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I know there is lot of same topic issues here
BUT they're all came before Optifine release 1.19.3 preview
So plz support 1.19.3 :)




I do use Fabric API, I also use Carpet Mod which was incompatible with that version of OptiFabric. But I can live without the mod that FabricAPI added.


Does this help? 8193335


Does this help? 8193335

If you're not a developer, it shouldn't help you right now. I believe there are no optifabric users without fabric API.


how does this work? im new to coding and everything like that, how do i make this work really?


Does this help? 8193335

I think they're still working on it. I get this when trying to build it:
\OptiFabric\src\main\java\me\modmuss50\optifabric\compat\fabriclifecycleevents\mixin\ClientChunkManagerMixin.java:25: warning: Cannot find target method "method_16020(IILnet/minecraft/class_4548;Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;Ljava/util/BitSet;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2818;" for @Inject.method="method_16020(IILnet/minecraft/class_4548;Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;Ljava/util/BitSet;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2818;" in net.minecraft.client.world.ClientChunkManager @Inject(method = {"loadChunkFromPacket", "method_16020(IILnet/minecraft/class_4548;Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;Ljava/util/BitSet;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2818;"}, ^


how does this work? im new to coding and everything like that, how do i make this work really?

There's a lot to learn - but the general idea is that you can download a copy of the code here and compile it all into a .jar file with an IDE. Your best bet is to wait a few days to give them some time to finish the update but if you're super eager and have a lot of time on your hands try looking for YouTube videos on it. One way to go about it might include (1) making sure you have a recent JDK installed, (2) downloading the free version of IntelliJ and creating a project from VCS (version control) using the link here, then (3) building it via Gradle. Once it's functioning it'll spit out a .jar file in your target directory that's the new version of the plugin.


ofc, thats alot XD, imma try to do this cause i am inpatient XD, but tysm! if all goes wrong, hey, ig i can wait lol


I fussed with the code and got it to compile. I removed
"mm": ">=2.0"
from fabric.mod.json and switched
remap = true, to remap = false,
in ParticleManagerMixin.java

Sadly it doesn't see OptiFine HD U I2 pre3 when I launch. SO my guess is the author is waiting on Optifine to finish some things.