- 2
optifabric optifine error 1.16.5
#1432 opened by KKMan202 - 6
#1433 opened by TosinV1 - 1
error loading OptiFabric-failed to load OptFine(1.18.2 fabric loader 0.15.6)
#1434 opened by epointy - 1
OptiFabric doesn`t work with Optifine 1.16.5 G8
#1435 opened by jestro0o - 20
Loading OptiFabric Error
#1436 opened by Ivan22090 - 1
This crashes with my fabric mods
#1415 opened by gedsweyerv - 1
help!This crashes with my fabric mods
#1416 opened by AUGUST114514 - 1
Я не могу зайти на 1.16.5 с optifabric
#1417 opened by GeloGicalGG - 3
OptiFabric dont work 1.16.5
#1418 opened by BranBrai - 0
Game crashing with optifine and essential mod
#1419 opened by UltraProGamer34 - 1
failed to load optifine
#1422 opened by SilentPoria - 1
fail to load opifabric
#1420 opened by Vickers7406 - 5
проблема net/fabricmc/tinyremapper/IMappingProvider
#1423 opened by distigal - 1
i was trying to use optifabric on crostini/Debian 11 there was an error loading optifine
#1424 opened by Maneetbal - 3
Failed To Optifine. please report this
#1425 opened by karaxsi - 2
OptiFabric Problems on 1.18.2
#1426 opened by ThisDudeKhyle - 1
Axiom and OptiFabric just loads for eternity
#1427 opened by Kanickelul - 4
OptiFabirc 1.16.5 help
#1428 opened by Berkeee123 - 2
Architectury 11.0.12 and Optifabric 1.14.3 Error
#1429 opened by Dracconis - 3
failed to load optifabric
#1430 opened by officialbigman - 1
failed to load optifabric help pls!!!!!!!!!!!!
#1431 opened by elmilagro64 - 7
1.20.2 optifine/optifabric not compatible with usefulbackpack/uteamcore
#1413 opened by JasiuKocha - 2
Optifabric not working with "I" and higher versions of optifine
#1410 opened by Exizek - 1
#1411 opened by TestSubject1221 - 5
help me plz (opti fabrik 1.16.5)
#1412 opened by EndrDemonpon - 1
crashing for some reason
#1414 opened by Improvingtime50 - 1
Loading error
#1399 opened by pidotshah - 8
Not working
#1400 opened by Moddermayank - 1
whats going on
#1401 opened by pjckakkoii - 1
Unsure if this is an Optifabric or Optifine issue
#1402 opened by Dracconis - 0
#1403 opened by fdfsfdsfsd - 1
#1404 opened by fdfsfdsfsd - 1
Optifabric not working when I launch a server using the essential client
#1405 opened by LilSkogi - 0
Incompatibility with lithium fabric mod
#1406 opened by EchoEllet - 4
not working with optifine
#1407 opened by GamingXboy - 1
#1408 opened by klickpick - 1
Not working on 1.18.2
#1409 opened by amakerlife - 3
Optifabric stops minecraft from launching
#1437 opened by occasionallyash - 4
Failed to load Opifabric Optifine 1.16.5
#1438 opened by shiroused - 1
Что делать?
#1439 opened by CHUPIK6882 - 1
OptiFabric 1.17.1
#1441 opened by TheFoxGuy19 - 1
OptiFabric 1.17.1 mapping or whatever
#1442 opened by TheFoxGuy19 - 1
help me please
#1440 opened by Alimavaland - 2
need help
#1443 opened by wsopjdjqwmlkdj12l - 1
#1444 opened by MrDezzan - 4
help pls
#1445 opened by InelMC - 3
i need help on mc version 1.16.1
#1446 opened by alan-alexander-1011 - 2
need help
#1447 opened by ydar333 - 2
please report this
#1448 opened by dino54gaming - 1
pls fix this :<
#1449 opened by yuyu2137