- 0
[Bug] The game crashed while IndigoRenderer tesselating textures with Optifine....
#194 opened by NaiNonTH - 0
Connected Textures Broken with BetterVanillaBuilding
#195 opened by roboltz - 0
Crash when launching on 1.16.5
#197 opened by lartts - 1
Can't Open Optifine? Can anybody help with this
#198 opened by alonewithaheartache - 2
Im getting an error when launching with optifabric
#196 opened by noahnao - 1
Crashes with aether reborn
#199 opened by Page3of9 - 1
Crash 1.16.5
#200 opened by DarkShyMW - 0
Using in Newest Snapshots?
#201 opened by fluffy-git - 1
Crashing while launching with Reborn Core
#202 opened by HenzzA - 3
Crashes before startup
#203 opened by BubbaNak - 1
Error when loading optifine in 1.16.5 fabric
#204 opened by poorunfortunatesoul - 5
optifabric crashes in 1.16.5 and missing connected textures
#205 opened by XTUG25 - 1
Lava colormap does not work
#206 opened by Fantasmatico7824 - 1
Recent issues with world rendering
#207 opened by pokegirl420 - 3
There is an error loading optifabric
#210 opened by prokage7237 - 2
blocks are ghosting for a split second when being placed
#208 opened by nightmarezzx - 0
[Bug] Semi-opaque blocks enter screen space when holding a semi-opaque block.
#209 opened by badcrave - 0
Incompatibility with Dashloader
#211 opened by Toseflo - 1
Faild to load optifine 1.16.5
#212 opened by Mr-Comand - 1
#213 opened by hjhyhg - 1
Incompatible with Satin mod(?)
#214 opened by J0r2 - 1
Lava colormap not working correctly
#215 opened by AlexTheDolphin0 - 1
Not Loading
#216 opened by sometingrandom-MC - 1
#218 opened by sebasssss627y - 1
optifine shit
#217 opened by sebasssss627y - 1
Latest OptiFine HD U G8 does not work
#219 opened by char1es31 - 0
Optifine not working
#220 opened by adarshagrahara - 4
literally doesn't even work
#221 opened by invalidgdash - 2
So uh i have the same issue with the satin mod, here's a list of the current mods i have
#222 opened by Ameliaplayz - 2
Conflict with lamb dynamic lights
#223 opened by FacuMou - 1
Connected textures not working in optifabric 1.9.6/ optifine 1.16.5
#224 opened by Angelhasleft - 0
Failed to load Optifine (1.16.5/1.16.4)
#227 opened by CrazyHjonk - 2
Render issue with shaders with the mod clientcommands
#228 opened by SpacEagle17 - 3
error loading OptiFabric
#229 opened by phenomenonhard - 4
"OptiFabric 1.10.1 (1.16.5)" doesn't work with "OptiFine HD U G8 (1.16.5)"
#225 opened by fatcatonmars - 2
error with G8
#226 opened by RiveraMaxwell - 1
There was an Error loading OptiFabric
#231 opened by M0t1xx - 1
Fabric doesn't load OptiFine_1.16.5_HD_U_G6/G7/G8
#230 opened by ManuelKingGMR - 1
Optifabric doesnt work with optifine HELP!!!
#232 opened by JerryFan225 - 1
All of Fabric 3 - 1.16.5 v.2.8.2 Crashes with Optifabric v.1.10.2
#233 opened by adp-you - 1
Game just doesn't run
#234 opened by JuceInUse - 10
Issue with 1.17
#238 opened by fsrastdyyf - 0
#239 opened by EliteHitmarkers - 2
Crash on launch
#237 opened by Big-Iron-Cheems - 1
Can't get it to run Canvas mod in parallel.
#240 opened by asarra - 1
1.17 Loading New Demension
#242 opened by AddictedPerson - 0
bow textures broken
#243 opened by greatestdelilah - 5
Doesn't work, please help
#241 opened by PortalPuzzleMan - 1
Bug: Issue with Architectury on 1.17
#244 opened by Gaming32 - 5
Incompatibility with carpet mod
#245 opened by gnembon