- 2
Optifine Issue...
#448 opened by Sonnyyyyyyyyy - 0
#447 opened by evges112 - 3
OptiFabric does not work
#444 opened by OriginQ8 - 0
Optifabric doesn't work with optifinw
#445 opened by SunriseMCYT - 0
#446 opened by evges112 - 2
No Optifine Version found
#414 opened by xXLuKillerXx - 0
Mod Conflict
#413 opened by Phycre - 3
Optifabric doesn't launch in 1.17.1 READ !!!
#415 opened by Nikgm1 - 2
Error encountered during mixin config postInit step 'mixins.mm.json' from mod 'mm': Failed to setup optifine
#416 opened by MartinTintin3 - 1
mods conflict
#417 opened by Olck-null - 2
Got this on laucnh
#418 opened by Luminous-Journey - 6
OptiFabric canot find OptiFine HD U H1 1.17.1
#419 opened by CERIBES - 2
Outdated Github redirection on OptiFabric error page
#420 opened by StayKwimp - 3
OptiFabric Don't work on Fabric 0.11.X to 0.12.X with OptiFine_1.17.1 HD U G9
#421 opened by Maxime66410 - 3
OptiFabric 1.11.20 doesn't recognize OptiFine 1.17.1 H1
#422 opened by sapsicle - 2
#423 opened by icantthinkagoodnamesoiwhotethis - 1
Don't working on 1.16.5
#424 opened by JovannyM - 0
Optifine is not working
#425 opened by Droid190209 - 3
#426 opened by Felix0163 - 1
Please Help...
#427 opened by Felix0163 - 8
Not Compatible with Fabric Loader over 0.12.0
#428 opened by camerica7400 - 5
I am supposed to report this
#429 opened by Svetopolicajt - 2
Cannot find optifine file.
#430 opened by sworosh - 2
Can't seem to load version OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H1 at all.
#431 opened by plushycat - 0
Failed To Load OptiFine!
#433 opened by PaviYT - 0
OptiFine is present. Mod won't load.
#432 opened by MagmaBro123 - 1
There was an error loading OptiFabric
#434 opened by Showstehler - 5
optifabric won't work with 1.17.1
#435 opened by Shizzins - 3
Mod resolution encountered an incompatible mod set!
#436 opened by Ziondaman - 3
Time to compile using the latest fabricmc version.
#440 opened by dryter97 - 2
Fabric Server error
#437 opened by ltecheroffical - 1
OptiFabric incompatible with 0.12.5
#438 opened by XanderCreates - 3
Can someone help me solve this problem plsssss
#439 opened by iBrezz - 5
Error while opening minecraft
#441 opened by TrueTheos - 2
Failed to load Optifine, please report this! message
#442 opened by Crystal-Cobble - 3
Optifabric doesn't work with Fabric Loader 1.12.5
#443 opened by Lyraedan - 0
OptiFabric can't work with Minecraft 1.17.1
#412 opened by SkylerD00 - 1
game crashes whenever i play with origins
#407 opened by hewwo-uwo - 7
incompatible with fabric loader 0.12
#408 opened by cpm9 - 1
Error Code
#409 opened by RedmanBlueman - 2
not launching with fabric loader version 0.12.3 for 1.17.1
#410 opened by kann101 - 1
Launch error
#451 opened by Whispity - 1
optifabric wont work
#449 opened by Caidennn7 - 7
Where is Chocohead? (Fabric 0.12+ Issue)
#450 opened by Mathew322 - 1
Crash when navigating to options
#456 opened by valentinegb - 3
Crashes when pressing "options" button
#455 opened by dbrighthd - 2
Minecraft Crashes opening Chat or Options
#457 opened by Mathew322 - 1
there was an error loading optifabric
#452 opened by srajanplshelpme - 0
OptiFabric won't find OptiFine
#453 opened by LimeDragonBoi - 2
OptiFabric could not find the Optifine jar in the mods folder
#454 opened by valentinegb