- 0
Optifabric 1.16.5
#1947 opened by Krolcatina - 1
The OPTIFABRIC 1.16.5 didnt work
#1948 opened by Krolcatina - 1
Que raro funciona fabric
#1949 opened by aaron072B - 5
Why can't I enter Minecraft version 1.16.5 it says fabric loader error please help
#1950 opened by RAVEZGG32 - 1
Help with my optifabric
#1938 opened by SpreenOMC - 0
Hola pepe
#1939 opened by RomaneteP - 3
help plz.... 1.18.2
#1940 opened by v04ko0 - 2
why do i get this? 1.16.5
#1941 opened by Sechh71 - 0
#1942 opened by Prezesik123 - 0
#1943 opened by zaurenok - 2
herhe you go
#1944 opened by SentientTV - 3
When i press "G" or some other specific letters i crash (fabric 1.16.1)
#1945 opened by IsVeryEpic - 1
the optifabric 1.17.1 dont open it says Failed to load Optifine
#1946 opened by Gordxd - 1
неработает опти фабрик (OptiFabric 1.16.5 is not working)
#1954 opened by Ytganeralt - 1
can`t run
#1951 opened by tanyuanwen - 2
hello is opifabric
#1952 opened by tobiasze - 1
optifabric is not working
#1953 opened by S0vellus - 2
opfine not working
#1955 opened by re33233333 - 3
Error for optifabric for mc java 1.17.1
#1956 opened by Zhentostriker - 1
help optifabric 1 16 5
#1957 opened by username46-hub - 1
Is support planned for 1.21.x?
#1958 opened by BrainSlugs83 - 1
help me 1.18.2 optifabric
#1969 opened by sigmasss1212 - 1
help optifabric 1.16.5
#1970 opened by razeovZ - 1
Error loading Optifabric
#1971 opened by Spunky343 - 2
Failed to load OptiFine, please report this
#1959 opened by Ivan1572 - 3
failed to load optifine (1.21.4 0.16.9)
#1960 opened by dsb987 - 1
OptiFabric not working on 1,16.5
#1961 opened by Bobixson123 - 2
Optifine Failed Load 1.16.5
#1963 opened by DKA78 - 1
#1973 opened by Romanlopez111 - 0
#1972 opened by Romanlopez111 - 1
solve the problem
#1964 opened by ujasjaviya - 1
help pls optifabric 1.18.2
#1965 opened by PR1dyr0K - 1
#1966 opened by isergei71 - 0
#1967 opened by isergei71 - 0
i don`t can play
#1968 opened by jleda368 - 1
was told to open this ticket by the game. this is the "stock-trace" whatever happened. "Failed to load." type thing
#1980 opened by noveah - 1
Optifabric doesn't open minecraft
#1982 opened by theissueopener - 4
#1981 opened by jaknapisacto - 3
failed to load optifabric and optifine
#1983 opened by aFzSDSnow - 0
optfabric 1.18.1 can't work
#1974 opened by bruyond - 1
Minecraft Optifabric 1.18.2
#1975 opened by XxFORSExX - 1
Error optifabric 1.16.5
#1976 opened by Skerlyy - 1
error OptiFabric 1.16.5!!
#1977 opened by bugagashki - 3
#1978 opened by BurhanYasir123 - 1
#1979 opened by dsb987 - 1
nu pot sa intru
#1984 opened by Titan-X-gear5 - 0
#1987 opened by 69069-0-069495 - 3
#1985 opened by 69069-0-069495 - 1
#1986 opened by 69069-0-069495 - 0
error mi
#1988 opened by 9589412