- 1
Не могу запустить несколько модов
#2055 opened by redsoyn2001 - 3
not work fabric with optifine
#2054 opened by davidkup1 - 1
Minecraft 1.18.2 Issue
#2053 opened by ilchik43 - 1
1.16.5 (optifabric-1.10.2)
#2052 opened by patata278V - 1
help me version 1.16.5
#2051 opened by DouglasYTt - 1
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
#2050 opened by romeroapo - 0
Hello, just wanted to ask, any plans for porting into 1.21.3?
#2049 opened by Nyekomimi - 1
#2048 opened by hihihihi-boop - 8
plsss help optifabric 1.16.5 i did everthing but still getting this error help plsss
#2047 opened by xogends - 1
Critical injection failure @Inject annotation on onRenderQuad could not find any targets matching
#2046 opened by flashu09 - 1
I had a issue in optifabric 1.17.1
#2045 opened by Ayaanzx - 2
#2044 opened by aryaq1991