Ordinary Coins

Ordinary Coins


Ore Dictionary Suggestion

GreatOrator opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I have a mod called TolkienTweaks and TolkienTweaks - Mobs Edition and I use coins (mainly because the mod was originally designed for my modpack). I am asking if you could consider adding ore dictionary support as I have had requests for coins in your mod to be interchangeable with those in my mod.

If you would consider this, the oredictionary names I use for all of my coins are this:

    OreDictionary.registerOre("itemCoinBronze", new ItemStack(TTMFeatures.ITEM_COIN_BRONZE));
    OreDictionary.registerOre("itemCoinSilver", new ItemStack(TTMFeatures.ITEM_COIN_SILVER));
    OreDictionary.registerOre("itemCoinGold", new ItemStack(TTMFeatures.ITEM_COIN_GOLD));
    OreDictionary.registerOre("itemCoinMithril", new ItemStack(TTMFeatures.ITEM_COIN_MITHRIL));

Obviously the focus would be on your copper, silver, gold and platinum coins, they could be interchangeable with my bronze, silver, gold and mithril coins using the above oredictionary method which would also allow them to be carried in the coin pouch in my mod and merchants.

Thank you for your consideration.