![Ore Growth](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/885/662/256/256/638321294520165143_animated.gif)
Compressed Block crystals break VERY SLOWLY Version
knoxhack opened this issue · 1 comments
Version Info
Minecraft, ...
Ore Growth, ...
What mod loader are you using?: Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt
Description of the Bug
Astrobirder commented 5 days ago •
Not sure if this is by design, but it seems compressed dirt and sand should be easier to break than diamonds ;-). I tried iron pick and iron shovel, with similar times. Version 1.1.7.
Link to initial issue:
The crystals break at the same speed and with the same tools as the base blocks. It seems the blocks from Compressium just don't break faster with tools. Specifically, 1x compressed dirt block and 1x compressed sand block break incredibly slow with both an iron pickaxe and iron shovel.
Correctly, the crystals break at the same speed.