Ore Growth

Ore Growth


[Bug] Crystals decay randomly

MSandro opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Version Info

  • Minecraft 1.20.4
  • Ore Growth 1.0.11
  • NeoForge 20.4.223

Description of the Bug
Is it intended that Ore Crystals should randomly decay?

Steps to Reproduce
I just was able to reproduce this 2 times, not sure why or when it happens.
Shortly before they disappear, there is no longer a percentage display in the JADE tooltip.
So far I haven't been fast enough to use the /data command to show me more information about the block. But it was enough for a screenshot.
It happened twice so far shortly after loading a world; when I logged out the percentage display was still there, but when I logged in again it was no longer there. I often restarted the game or reloaded the world (around 30 times) to reproduce it a second time for a screenshot.

Not sure maybe its intended, but I would like to disable this. There is currently no config option for this, so I am not sure if its a bug or a feature :D



I am having a similar issue. Spoke with SuperMartijn642 on his Discord about this:
Forge: 43.2.6
Ore Growth: 1.0.9
Minecraft: 1.19.2 (Java)

It was mentioned that it may be an issue with recipes where it can't find the "right" recipe and that it just instead fills it with air as a default.
Similar to the screenshot (I assume MSandro is using Jade), it does not display the growth percentage and when it ticks next, it disappears.