Ore Growth

Ore Growth


[Feature] Manual Crystal starter / silk touch and fortune effects

KarmasuL opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I feel this is a bit overpowered and I would love to see an alternative version where the crystal don't spawn naturally.
(see end for for detailed opinion)

Craftable Crystal starter to be used on an ore to get a crystal stared that then has to grow.
One Recipe for an item (crystal starter, like a crop seed)
right this item on any ore to get a single crystal started on the face that was clicked on.
This crystal then has to grow as they do now.

Example recipe for crystal starter dust:
1 saphire + 1 nether quarz = 4 crystal starter (maybe only 2 for balancing)

Pickaxe enchantments:
Mined with normal pick:
drop-rate like normal ore, crystal is gone and needs to be started with a new crystal starter
Mined with fortune:
fortune drop-rate like normal ore, crystal is gone and needs to be planted with a new crystal starter
Mined with silk touch:
drop-rate like normal ore, crystal is not destroyed (no new crystal starter needed), but returns to lowest growth setting to grow again.

detailed opinion
I'm aware of the growable ores mod and planting them as sugar cane anywhere is too unimmersive for my taste.
Because of that growing ores on ores feels way more immersive to me, which is why I like your idea way more.
Having the crystal grow naturally on any exposed ore-face feels overpowered and undeserved.
Having the player do something and spend some resources makes it feel a bit more deserved and more rewarding.
I'm aware the silk touch as the mod works now wouldn't do anything and fortune would make it more overpowered as (i feel) the mod already is.

I would love to see this in the mod, Maybe as an alternative version.
I understand this is probably difficult to implement.
Still thanks for reading my rambling.