Ore Growth

Ore Growth


[compatibility] with spelunkery

jojofenin99 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


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The problem is it does not give the rough version of material like rough diamond, and rough lapis instead it just gives the refined materials like diamonds and lapis
Describe the solution you'd like
I think a solution would be making it when spelunkery is installed changed the materials you get to the rough versions.


I am not familiar with Spelunkery. Does it change vanilla ore drops to rough versions of the normal drops?


Yes. Spelunkery makes Diamond and Emerald Ore drop rough versions of themselves that must be polished at a grindstone before you can use them. Lapis Lazuli/Redstone Ore instead drop Rough Lazurite/Rough Cinnabar, which are separate materials, and they produce Lapis/Redstone as a byproduct of being polished.

You can see a more detailed explanation at Spelunkery's wiki page here.


Whoops forgot to close the issue here. I added recipes for when Spelunkery is installed yesterday in version 1.0.7.
Thank you both for the suggestion!