Ore Stages

Ore Stages


not detecting ores from more tcon

DabbingEevee opened this issue ยท 0 comments


the mod works fine until i attempt to use one of my own blocks from my mod. the mod is More TCon, and idk why it cant find any blocks.


here is the 2 different methods i tried to to register the blocks.

if this problem is on my end, please let me know so i can fix it

mods.orestages.OreStages.addNonDefaultingReplacement("metallic_age", ore:oreRadium, fhantoncore:unidentifiedore);
mods.orestages.OreStages.addNonDefaultingReplacement("metallic_age", ore:oreFusionite, fhantoncore:unidentifiedore);
mods.orestages.OreStages.addNonDefaultingReplacement("metallic_age", tconmaterial:oreradium:*, fhantoncore:unidentifiedore);
mods.orestages.OreStages.addNonDefaultingReplacement("metallic_age", tconmaterial:orefusionite:*, fhantoncore:unidentifiedore);