Ore Tweaker

Ore Tweaker


MaxY Value is not acting. (terraforged used)

SaveTheJohnDoe opened this issue · 5 comments

Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Mod Version


Describe the bug

MaxY doesn't seem to be doing anything. MinY works.

How to reproduce

Check if MaxY works for a custom config. My config below (also used the same config with iron ore - note that ore textures are custom but it's just the 2 ores in the picture):

  "oreConfig": [
      "ore": "minecraft:coal_ore",
      "filler": "minecraft:stone",
      "minY": 16,
      "maxY": 48,
      "maxVeinSize": 32,
      "spawnRate": 2.0,
      "biomeWhitelist": ["minecraft:plains"],
      "biomeBlacklist": []
Link to crashlog [If Applicable]


Screenshots / Images



Also happens with 'Default' world setting (non-terraforged). Stone layers starts at y = 90 on the screenshot. Also, not sure if the fact that MaxY seems to be ignored is also affecting the SpawnRate? I set it very low at 2.0 and it's generating way more veins per chunk than 2.


Update: Updated Java and Forge both to latest versions and issue still happening.


Might have found the issue. Working on a fix right now, I update this thread when fixed.


I thought I found the issue but after extensive testing both inside my development environment and on the public build on CurseForge OreTweaker-1.16.5-2.6.0 I have found nothing wrong.

Everything works perfectly fine and as expected.

Tested with these settings:

  "oreConfig": [
      "ore": "minecraft:coal_ore",
      "filler": "minecraft:stone",
      "minY": 28,
      "maxY": 34,
      "maxVeinSize": 16,
      "spawnRate": 10.0,
      "biomeBlacklist": [],
      "biomeWhitelist": ["minecraft:plains"]

The ores generate in range of what I configured it to do. No ores generate above y-level 34 and non below 28.
2021-11-18_15 22 43

The only thing I can see with ur config is that the "biomeBlacklist": [] and "biomeWhitelist": ["minecraft:plains"] are in the wrong order, not sure if that matters (it should not).

Not sure if you got any other ores interfering with the TopSolidRange() settings for how ores spawn in range.
Try remove the terraforged mod entirely and create a brand new world with my settings from above.


Can confirm it's a terraforged issue related to what you posted on the Discord - https://github.com/TerraForged/TerraForged/blob/dcbefa931c5e9b16e6fbc6b333f3dd1bce27dc3c/src/main/java/com/terraforged/mod/data/gen/feature/Ores.java#L56 - Closing the issue as not oretweker related (but if you ever find a way to bypass that TF code please ping me on Discord <3)


See Terraforged settings - TerraForged/tracker#166