OrigamiKings Enhancement Stuff

OrigamiKings Enhancement Stuff


I am kinda done with modding so this mod is archived. I may get back to it one day.

OrigamiKings Enhancement mod

This is a small mod based on enhancing Minecraft

The Modrinth page will now have all versions and the this will only have the major updates.

As of 0.6.0 and greater this mod will now require my API Mod

This mod is mostly done unless Mojang adds something I can "enhance" there will not be very many updates.

Some things this mod adds are:

  1. Concrete stairs and slabs
  2. Gold and Copper bars
  3. Variants of barrels, bookshelves, and ladders
  4. Glass Stairs and Slabs
  5. Leaf stairs and slabs and walls
  6. Woodcutter

See The wiki for more information about the mod

Click me to see the inventory

Some in-game pictures

1 2 3 4 5 7 6 v2 v3

The 1.0.7 Update!

1 0 6+7