Origins (Forge)

Origins (Forge)


lastest version for 1.18.1 have problem with applay shader to see change I need to change perspective F5

Foxsyl opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Minecraft Version 1.18.1
Origin Version 1.3.11

This power make invisivle entity fox when i am in first person

"f3hide": {
"condition": {
"type": "origins:resource",
"resource": "torkit:transform_f3",
"comparison": "==",
"compare_to": 0
"type": "origins:prevent_entity_render",
"entity_condition": {
"type": "origins:power",
"power": "torkit:foxnodie"

This power is before and add to entity fox power foxnodie

                "type": "origins:execute_command",
                "command": "power grant @e[tag=foxform] torkit:foxnodie"

not working


Minecraft Version 1.18.1
Origin Version 1.3.11

This power is applay shader but if i want see change i need change perspective

"vision1": {
    "condition": {
        "type": "origins:or",
        "conditions": [
                "type": "origins:power_active",
                "power": "torkit:transform_tf"
                "type": "origins:resource",
                "resource": "torkit:transform_r",
                "comparison": "==",
                "compare_to": 1
    "type": "origins:shader",
    "shader": "minecraft:shaders/post/blobs.json",
    "toggleable": false

I still can't figure out what the second power is supposed to do.
If you want to hide entities with tag foxform, use

    "type": "origins:in_tag",
    "tag": "foxform"

Also I would discourage you from using the minecraft namespace for tags.


This second power is condition of many command for spawn fox without ai and pretend like I am fox it add this fox entity to tag name foxform and add power foxnodie to prevent being killed

And first power making invisible any entity with power foxnodie (I test this and fox have power fox no die but I can still see it)


In version I can't remember but I think
Origins it's working and I don't change code of this datapack


.12 has a change that might make your power work. Try it out. If it doesn't check your logs. Apoli reports errors in powers when a world is loaded.


ok i test origins .12 and it work now prevent entity render its working thanks :)

but shader is not applay(update) when i click primiary button

its applay when i change perspective after i click primiary button