[Origins-1.18.2-] not retaining singleplayer data from datapacks after reboot of game
bypassblitz opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Tectonic, as either a datapack, or mod.
When origins-forge and tectonic are loaded together in singleplayer for the first time, the game likely will run as normal,
sometimes, the origins selection screen does not appear on first-spawn, but that can be solved with making all players spawn with an origin-orb as failsafe.
If you exit to the main menu, and re-open the world again you will still have your origin attributes/powers.
If you exit the game, and close out multimc, and re-open multimc, and relaunch the game:
you will have no attributes/powers when you re-load your world.
I've tried this out 4 times now, and have pinpointed tectonic as the cause, which really sucks because it now forces me to choose between the only competent world-gen, and, origins.
I would dread what complications this may cause on a server, and hope there might be some way to fix this to where tectonic & origins will not kill eachother, please help!
Tectonic-v1.1.7a for 1.18.2
I have videos which I may add tomorrow but its 90mb and its too late to fight handbrake to make the file smaller.
Nevermind, I was sure the problem was tectonic. But maybe it is a datapack-order related problem in reality.
I believe I have correctly identified the source of the problem which is: https://modrinth.com/mod/globalpacks
Where, global-packs does not re-apply the datapacks for origins in its global folder, meaning this is not a origins issue I think.
I used it for easier testing, so I wouldn't have to copy the zip files into the datapack folder every single time I make a new world, as I was having to re-make many for testing purposes.
This version of Origins has a problem re-reading datapacks or somthing. Tectonic, and Global Packs are blameless now.
Cant understand what on earth is going on anymore, going to take a break from trying to understand why this issue occurs.