"Recurrent" boolean in starting_equipment doesn't work.
Darkmega18 opened this issue ยท 47 comments
I have several origins setup in such a way that they act as starting locations and start gear bundles for players at the start. however despite setting recurrent to false whenever I get respawned I still get the gear again, which is a bit of an exploit at this point...
Can it be patched?
using versions:
and MC forge 1.19.2 43.2.21
The following is one such start kit that I give as an example of what is and should be working but isn't completely.
"type": "origins:starting_equipment",
"stacks": [
"item": "minecraft:iron_hoe",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 1
"item": "farmersdelight:iron_knife",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 2
"item": "minecraft:torch",
"amount": 16,
"slot": 3
"item": "minecraft:stone_axe",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 4
"item": "minecraft:shears",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 5
"item": "minecraft:bundle",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 6,
"tag": "{Items: [{id: \"culinaryconstruct:culinary_station\", Count: 1}, {id: \"minecraft:bowl\", Count: 2}, {id: \"minecraft:campfire\", Count: 1}, {id: \"farmersdelight:stove\", Count: 1}, {id: \"minecraft:cauldron\", Count: 1}, {id: \"farmingforblockheads:feeding_trough\", Count: 1}, {id: \"farmingforblockheads:chicken_nest\", Count: 1}, {id: \"farmingforblockheads:market\", Count: 1}, {id: \"tombstone:bag_of_seeds\", Count: 16}, {id: \"minecraft:oak_fence\", Count: 1}, {id: \"minecraft:lead\", Count: 1}, {id: \"minecraft:chest\", Count: 1}, {id: \"minecraft:donkey_spawn_egg\", Count: 1}]}"
"item": "supplementaries:sack",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 7,
"tag": "{BlockEntityTag: {Items: [{Slot: 0, id: \"farmersdelight:rich_soil\", Count: 3}, {Slot: 1, id: \"farmersdelight:rich_soil\", Count: 3}, {Slot: 2, id: \"farmersdelight:rich_soil\", Count: 3}, {Slot: 3, id: \"farmersdelight:rich_soil\", Count: 3}, {Slot: 4, id: \"minecraft:water_bucket\", Count: 1}, {Slot: 5, id: \"farmersdelight:rich_soil\", Count: 3}, {Slot: 6, id: \"farmersdelight:rich_soil\", Count: 3}, {Slot: 7, id: \"farmersdelight:rich_soil\", Count: 3}, {Slot: 8, id: \"farmersdelight:rich_soil\", Count: 3}]}}"
"item": "minecraft:saddle",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 8
"item": "farmersdelight:cooking_pot",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 9,
"tag": "{BlockEntityTag: {Container: {id: \"minecraft:bowl\", Count: 1}, Inventory: {Size: 9, Items: [{Slot: 6, id: \"farmersdelight:beef_stew\", Count: 2}]}}}"
"item": "alexsmobs:frontier_cap",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 39
"item": "minecraft:leather_chestplate",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 38,
"tag": "{display: {color: 6192150}}"
"item": "minecraft:leather_leggings",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 37,
"tag": "{display: {color: 1908001}}"
"item": "minecraft:leather_boots",
"amount": 1,
"slot": 36,
"tag": "{display: {color: 8606770}}"
"recurrent": "false"
when I respawn, I do notice that I'm missing a bundle or maybe one or two items... so... maybe I'm misunderstanding how the boolean works and I need to put that on each item? not just at the end for the whole set? Guess I'll have to try it. and see if it gets mad or not.
Linking the docs page for the Fabric version, the boolean does work at a power level instead of being placed at the individual items. I'll look into the behavior after I resolve the badge order bug.
oh. welp. I had a feeling that might be it. cause I did notice that whenever I respawn I don't have the bundle. I'll give that a go then.
sure wish they specified where it went or made an example of it. >_>'
It's not specified in an example, but maybe it should be on the docs' end.
It does default to false, so if you leave the field out, it should be false.
It's not specified in an example, but maybe it should be on the docs' end.
It does default to false, so if you leave the field out, it should be false.
Huh. well... it's been left out, from the example. every single one, it's left out cause it's not set. but I'm 100% getting all the loot except for like, one thing, which the recurrent seems to actually be working on properly.
I'd give yourself this power, and to try and see what the output is upon respawning.
"type": "origins:action_on_callback",
"entity_action_gained": {
"type": "origins:execute_command",
"command": "say Gained power!"
"entity_action_lost": {
"type": "origins:execute_command",
"command": "say Lost power!"
"entity_action_added": {
"type": "origins:execute_command",
"command": "say Added power!"
"entity_action_removed": {
"type": "origins:execute_command",
"command": "say Removed power!"
"entity_action_respawned": {
"type": "origins:execute_command",
"command": "say Respawned!"
The reason why I'm asking this is because Starting Equipment only runs when gained and on respawn is recurrent is true.
Another mod may be totally resetting your powers upon respawn.
Gotcha, I understood what it was looking for. Gonna do a bit of writing for a patchoulie book, then I'll reload when I got some pictures and stuff and put that in while doing so, or something.
Although it was my understanding powers get readded or removed when the player respawns or relogs (from the page of that power, actually) to a world or something of the sort. but yep, I'll see what it does.
Okay, for some reason, it's running "Gained power", "Added power" "Removed power" and "Lost power", when it shouldn't be.
It's the running of "Gained power" that's causing this bug to happen.
This issue is the exact same as this issue:
Would you mind sending me your entire modlist? No downloads of course, but just a list of mods.
Roger-roger. would the big printed list out of a crash report do? or screenshot of mod folder?
Okay, I actually think it might be a multiple power specific bug.
Scratch what I said.
multiple power specific bug
wait. I don't use multiple power for that micro origin specifically.
I do use it for several things that manages "deaths door" for one shot/cheese death protection and some other hidden origin related shenanigans I try to do.
but ok, time for modlist?
Mod list lifted from a crash report.
Mod List:
saturn-mc1.19.2-0.0.4.jar |Saturn |saturn |0.0.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
dynamiclightsreforged-1.19.2_v1.4.0.jar |Rubidium Dynamic Lights |dynamiclightsreforged |1.19.2_v1.4.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsBetterDungeons-1.19.2-Forge-3.2.2.jar |YUNG's Better Dungeons |betterdungeons |1.19.2-Forge-3.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
habitat-1.2.4.jar |Habitat |habitat |1.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
supermartijn642configlib-1.1.7-forge-mc1.19.jar |SuperMartijn642's Config Libra|supermartijn642configlib |1.1.7 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
theimpossiblelibrary-1.19.2-0.2.4.jar |The Impossible Library |theimpossiblelibrary |1.19.2-0.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Forge-1.0.1-1.19.jar |Additional Entity Attributes |additionalentityattributes |1.0.1+1.19 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
scena-forge-1.0.95.jar |Scena |scena |1.0.95 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
nether-s-exoticism-1.19.2-1.2.4.jar |Nether's Exoticism |nethers_exoticism |1.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
majruszs-difficulty-1.19.2-1.7.7.jar |Majrusz's Progressive Difficul|majruszsdifficulty |1.7.7 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
dynamicvillagertrades-1.2.2-forge.jar |Dynamic Villager Trades |dynamicvillagertrades |1.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
apoli-forge-1.19.2- |Apoli |apoli |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
rubidium-0.6.2b.jar |Rubidium |rubidium |0.6.2b |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ChickenDropFeathersMod-forge-2.0.0-rc.1-1.19.2.jar|Chicken Drop Feathers |chickendropfeathersmod |2.0.0-rc.1-1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CTM-1.19.2-1.1.6+8.jar |ConnectedTexturesMod |ctm |1.19.2-1.1.6+8 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
torchhit-1.19.2- |Torch hit! |torchhit | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsApi-1.19.2-Forge-3.8.9.jar |YUNG's API |yungsapi |1.19.2-Forge-3.8.9 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
GatewaysToEternity-1.19.2-3.2.0.jar |Gateways To Eternity |gateways |3.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
MaxHealthFix-Forge-1.19.2-8.0.1.jar |MaxHealthFix |maxhealthfix |8.0.1 |DONE |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
galosphere_delight_1.1.0_forge_1.19.2.jar |Galosphere Delight (by NoCube)|galosphere_delight |1.1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
guardvillagers-1.19.2-1.5.6.jar |Guard Villagers |guardvillagers |1.19.2-1.5.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Apotheosis-1.19.2-6.3.1.jar |Apotheosis |apotheosis |6.3.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
zombievillagersfromspawner-1.19.2-3.4.jar |Zombie Villagers From Spawner |zombievillagersfromspawner |3.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
balm-forge-1.19.2-4.5.7.jar |Balm |balm |4.5.7 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
gunswithoutroses-1.19-1.1.1.jar |Guns Without Roses |gunswithoutroses |1.19-1.1.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
JustEnoughResources-1.19.2- |Just Enough Resources |jeresources | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsBetterNetherFortresses-1.19.2-Forge-1.0.6.jar|YUNG's Better Nether Fortresse|betterfortresses |1.19.2-Forge-1.0.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
cloth-config-8.3.103-forge.jar |Cloth Config v8 API |cloth_config |8.3.103 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
AdvancementPlaques-1.19.2-1.4.7.jar |Advancement Plaques |advancementplaques |1.4.7 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
repurposed_structures_forge-6.3.24+1.19.2.jar |Repurposed Structures |repurposed_structures |6.3.24+1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
BotanyTrees-Forge-1.19.2-5.0.8.jar |BotanyTrees |botanytrees |5.0.8 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
BlockRunner-v4.2.2-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Block Runner |blockrunner |4.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
sleep_tight-1.19.2-1.0.22.jar |Sleep Tight |sleep_tight |1.19.2-1.0.22 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
supermartijn642corelib-1.1.11-forge-mc1.19.2.jar |SuperMartijn642's Core Lib |supermartijn642corelib |1.1.11 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsBridges-1.19.2-Forge-3.1.0.jar |YUNG's Bridges |yungsbridges |1.19.2-Forge-3.1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
resourcefulconfig-forge-1.19.2-1.0.20.jar |Resourcefulconfig |resourcefulconfig |1.0.20 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
spark-1.10.37-forge.jar |spark |spark |1.10.37 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
EchoChest-v4.0.2-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Echo Chest |echochest |4.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
curios-forge-1.19.2- |Curios API |curios |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
origins-forge-1.19.2- |Origins |origins |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
armorpointspp-forge-1.19.2-3.1.0.jar |ArmorPoints++ |armorpointspp |1.19.2-3.1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
oculus-mc1.19.2-1.6.4.jar |Oculus |oculus |1.6.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
workers-1.19.2-1.6.6.jar |Workers Mod |workers |1.6.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsExtras-1.19.2-Forge-3.1.0.jar |YUNG's Extras |yungsextras |1.19.2-Forge-3.1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
FramedBlocks-6.8.4.jar |FramedBlocks |framedblocks |6.8.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
nocube's_villagers_sell_animals_1.2.0_forge_1.19.2|Villagers Sell Animals (by NoC|villagersellanimals |1.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
bettervillage-forge-1.19.2-3.1.0.jar |Better village |bettervillage |3.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
salt-1.19.2-1.2.1.jar |Salt |salt |1.2.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
tombstone-8.2.10-1.19.2.jar |Corail Tombstone |tombstone |8.2.10 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
overweightfarming-1.19.2-2.0.1-forge.jar |Overweight Farming |overweight_farming |1.19.2-2.0.0-forge |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
illagerrevolution-1.4 - 1.19.2.jar |Illager Revolution |illagerrevolutionmod |1.4 - 1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
horsesdontrear-1.0.jar |Horses Don't Rear |horsesdontrear |1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
pluto-mc1.19.2-0.0.9.jar |Pluto |pluto |0.0.9 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
sapience-1.19.2-1.0.1.jar |Sapience |sapience |1.19.2-1.0.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
mutantmore-1.19.2-early-access-1.0.7.jar |Mutant More |mutantmore |1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
HarderNaturalHealing-1.19- |Harder Natural Healing Mod |hardernaturalhealing | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
flib-1.19.2-0.0.3.jar |flib |flib |1.19.2-0.0.3 |DONE |Manifest: 1f:47:ac:b1:61:82:96:b8:47:19:16:d2:61:81:11:60:3a:06:4b:61:31:56:7d:44:31:1e:0c:6f:22:5b:4c:ed
EnhancedAI-1.8.1-mc1.19.2.jar |Enhanced AI |enhancedai |1.8.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Potion-Blender-1.19.2-FORGE-1.1.0.jar |Potion-Blender |potionblender |1.1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
l2library-1.9.8.jar |L2 Library |l2library |1.9.8 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
l2backpack-1.8.3.jar |L2 Backpack |l2backpack |1.8.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ShinyHorses-1.19-1.2.jar |Shiny Horses Forge - Enchantab|shinyhorses |1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
illageandspillage-1.19.2-1.2.4.jar |Illage And Spillage |illageandspillage |1.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
infiniverse-1.19- |Infiniverse |infiniverse | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CobbleForDays-1.6.0.jar |Cobble For Days |cobblefordays |1.6.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ScalingHealth-1.19.2-7.0.0+6.jar |Scaling Health |scalinghealth |7.0.0+6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
FastLeafDecay-30.jar |FastLeafDecay |fastleafdecay |30 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsBetterMineshafts-1.19.2-Forge-3.2.0.jar |YUNG's Better Mineshafts |bettermineshafts |1.19.2-Forge-3.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
PlayerRevive_FORGE_v2.0.14_mc1.19.2.jar |PlayerRevive |playerrevive |2.0.14 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
geckolib-forge-1.19-3.1.40.jar |GeckoLib |geckolib3 |3.1.40 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
dungeons_libraries-1.19.2-3.0.10-beta.jar |Dungeons Libraries |dungeons_libraries |1.19.2-3.0.10-beta |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
recruits-1.19.2-1.10.4.jar |Recruits Mod |recruits |1.10.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
dungeons_gear-1.19.2-5.0.5-beta.jar |Dungeons Gear |dungeons_gear |1.19.2-5.0.5-beta |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
elytraslot-forge-6.1.1+1.19.2.jar |Elytra Slot |elytraslot |6.1.1+1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
QuarkOddities-1.18.jar |Quark Oddities |quarkoddities |1.18 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Roguelite-Storage-1.19.2-2.0.0.jar |Roguelite Storage |roguelitestorage |2.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
MutantMonsters-v4.0.6-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Mutant Monsters |mutantmonsters |4.0.6 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
rechiseled-1.1.1-forge-mc1.19.2.jar |Rechiseled |rechiseled |1.1.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
harvestwithease-1.19.2- |Harvest with ease |harvestwithease | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
jei-1.19.2-forge- |Just Enough Items |jei | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
horsestonks-forge-1.17+-1.0.1.jar |Horse Stonks |horsestonks |1.0.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
VisualWorkbench-v4.2.4-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Visual Workbench |visualworkbench |4.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
The_Graveyard_2.5.3_(FORGE)_for_1.19.2..jar |The Graveyard |graveyard |2.5.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
AttributeFix-Forge-1.19.2-17.2.7.jar |AttributeFix |attributefix |17.2.7 |DONE |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
libraryferret-forge-1.19.2-4.0.0.jar |Library ferret |libraryferret |4.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
goblintraders-1.8.0-1.19.2.jar |Goblin Traders |goblintraders |1.8.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
gnumus_settlement_[Forge]1.19.2_v1.7.jar |Gnumus Settlement |gnumus |1.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
caelus-forge-1.19.2- |Caelus API |caelus |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
shutupexperimentalsettings-1.0.5.jar |Shutup Experimental Settings! |shutupexperimentalsettings |1.0.5 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
NaturesCompass-1.19.2-1.10.0-forge.jar |Nature's Compass |naturescompass |1.19.2-1.10.0-forge |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
StrawStatues-v4.0.10-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Straw Statues |strawstatues |4.0.10 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
jumpboat-1.19- |Jumpy Boats |jumpboat |1.19- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
LibX-1.19.2-4.2.8.jar |LibX |libx |1.19.2-4.2.8 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
BotanyPots-Forge-1.19.2-9.0.33.jar |BotanyPots |botanypots |9.0.33 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
farmingforblockheads-forge-1.19.2-11.3.1.jar |Farming for Blockheads |farmingforblockheads |11.3.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
davespotioneering-1.19.2-1.2.jar |Dave's Potioneering |davespotioneering |1.19.2-1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
questsadditions-1.19.2-1.4.2.jar |Quests Additions |questsadditions |1.4.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
fusion-1.0.3-forge-mc1.19.2.jar |Fusion |fusion |1.0.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CraftTweaker-forge-1.19.2-10.1.48.jar |CraftTweaker |crafttweaker |10.1.48 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
rubidium_extras-1.19.2_v1.4.3.jar |Rubidium Extras |rubidium_extras |1.19.2_v1.4.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
forge-1.19.2-43.2.21-universal.jar |Forge |forge |43.2.21 |DONE |Manifest: 84:ce:76:e8:45:35:e4:0e:63:86:df:47:59:80:0f:67:6c:c1:5f:6e:5f:4d:b3:54:47:1a:9f:7f:ed:5e:f2:90
l2artifacts-1.8.0.jar |L2 Artifacts |l2artifacts |1.8.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Villager Comfort-1.19.2-1.0.0.jar |Villager Comfort |villagercomfort |1.19.2-1.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
extractinator-forge-1.19.2-2.0.1.jar |Extractinator |extractinator |2.0.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
SpawnBalanceUtility-1.19- |SpawnBalanceUtility |spawnbalanceutility | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
AxesAreWeapons-1.7.0-forge-1.19.2.jar |Axes Are Weapons |axesareweapons |1.7.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
DungeonsArise-1.19.2-2.1.54-release.jar |When Dungeons Arise |dungeons_arise |2.1.54-1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
client-1.19.2-20220805.130853-srg.jar |Minecraft |minecraft |1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: a1:d4:5e:04:4f:d3:d6:e0:7b:37:97:cf:77:b0:de:ad:4a:47:ce:8c:96:49:5f:0a:cf:8c:ae:b2:6d:4b:8a:3f
terraform-tree-api-v1-4.2.0.jar |Terraform Tree API (v1) Reforg|terraform_tree_api_v1 |4.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
terraform-surfaces-api-v1-4.2.0.jar |Terraform Surfaces API (v1) Re|terraform_surfaces_api_v1 |4.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
traverse-client-6.2.4.jar |Traverse Reforged: client |traverse_client |6.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
terraform-config-api-v1-4.2.0.jar |Terraform Config API (v1) Refo|terraform_config_api_v1 |4.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
cofh_core-1.19.2- |CoFH Core |cofh_core |10.2.1 |DONE |Manifest: 75:0b:cc:9b:64:2e:9b:c4:41:d1:95:00:71:ee:87:1a:b3:5e:4b:da:8e:e8:39:00:fd:5d:e5:9c:40:42:33:09
plonk-1.19.2-10.0.4.jar |Plonk |plonk |10.0.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
smoothchunk-1.19.1-2.0.jar |Smoothchunk mod |smoothchunk |1.19.1-2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
logprot-1.19.2-1.9.jar |Logprot |logprot |1.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Capsule-1.19.2-7.0.98.jar |Capsule |capsule |1.19.2-7.0.98 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
theoneprobe-1.19-6.2.2.jar |The One Probe |theoneprobe |1.19-6.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
TerraBlender-forge-1.19.2- |TerraBlender |terrablender | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
echoingexpanse-1.19.2-v1.1.0.2.jar |Echoing Expanse |echoing_expanse | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
MouseTweaks-forge-mc1.19-2.23.jar |Mouse Tweaks |mousetweaks |2.23 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
NoChatReports-FORGE-1.19.2-v1.5.1.jar |No Chat Reports |nochatreports |1.19.2-v1.5.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
majrusz-library-1.19.2-4.3.2.jar |Majrusz Library |mlib |4.3.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
From-The-Fog-1.19-v1.9.1-Forge-Fabric.jar |From The Fog |watching |1.9.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
spectrelib-forge-0.12.5+1.19.2.jar |SpectreLib |spectrelib |0.12.5+1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
calio-forge-1.19.2- |Calio |calio |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Totemic-forge-1.19.2-0.12.6.jar |Totemic |totemic |1.19.2-0.12.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
betterfpsdist-1.19.2-2.9.jar |betterfpsdist mod |betterfpsdist |1.19.2-2.9 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
BrewinAndChewin-1.19-2.0.jar |Brewin' and Chewin' |brewinandchewin |1.19-2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
flywheel-forge-1.19.2-0.6.8.a.jar |Flywheel |flywheel |0.6.8.a |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
FarmersRespite-1.19-2.0.jar |Farmer's Respite |farmersrespite |1.19-2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ecologics-forge-1.19.2-2.1.11.jar |Ecologics |ecologics |2.1.11 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
BetterFog-1.19.2-1.2.0.jar |Better Fog |betterfog |1.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
polymorph-forge-0.46.4+1.19.2.jar |Polymorph |polymorph |0.46.4+1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
AutoRegLib-1.8.2-55.jar |AutoRegLib |autoreglib |1.8.2-55 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
canary-mc1.19.2-0.2.7.jar |Canary |canary |0.2.7 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
tlc_forge-1.0.2-R-1.19.2.jar |The Lost Castle |tlc |1.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
oceansdelight-1.0.2-1.19.2.jar |Ocean's Delight |oceansdelight |1.0.2-1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
appleskin-forge-mc1.19-2.4.2.jar |AppleSkin |appleskin |2.4.2+mc1.19 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
lootr-1.19- |Lootr |lootr | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
PuzzlesLib-v4.4.3-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Puzzles Lib |puzzleslib |4.4.3 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
Aquaculture-1.19.2-2.4.8.jar |Aquaculture 2 |aquaculture |1.19.2-2.4.8 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
VillagersRespawn-1.19- |Villagers Respawn Mod |villagersrespawn | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ExNihiloSequentia-1.19.2- |Ex Nihilo: Sequentia |exnihilosequentia |4.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
traverse-worldgen-6.2.4.jar |Traverse Reforged: World Gener|traverse_worldgen |6.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CosmeticArmorReworked-1.19.2-v1a.jar |CosmeticArmorReworked |cosmeticarmorreworked |1.19.2-v1a |DONE |Manifest: 5e:ed:25:99:e4:44:14:c0:dd:89:c1:a9:4c:10:b5:0d:e4:b1:52:50:45:82:13:d8:d0:32:89:67:56:57:01:53
EnderMail-1.19.2-1.2.6.jar |Ender Mail |endermail |1.19.2-1.2.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
whetstones-1.0.1-forge-mc1.19.jar |Whetstones |whetstones |1.0.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
totw_modded-1.0.1-1.19.2.jar |Towers of the Wild Modded |totw_modded |1.0.1-1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsBetterWitchHuts-1.19.2-Forge-2.1.0.jar |YUNG's Better Witch Huts |betterwitchhuts |1.19.2-Forge-2.1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
PalladiumCore-forge-1.19.2- |PalladiumCore |palladiumcore |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
vc_gliders-forge-1.1.2.jar |Gliders |vc_gliders |1.1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Galosphere-1.19.2-1.3.0-Forge.jar |Galosphere |galosphere |1.19.2-1.3.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
DoggyTalentsNext-1.19.2-1.14.0.jar |Doggy Talents Next |doggytalents |1.14.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsBetterOceanMonuments-1.19.2-Forge-2.1.0.jar |YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments |betteroceanmonuments |1.19.2-Forge-2.1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Tips-Forge-1.19.2-8.0.27.jar |Tips |tipsmod |8.0.27 |DONE |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
immersive_aircraft-0.5.1+1.19.2-forge.jar |Immersive Aircraft |immersive_aircraft |0.5.1+1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
sophisticatedcore-1.19.2- |Sophisticated Core |sophisticatedcore |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
InsaneLib-1.7.5-mc1.19.2.jar |InsaneLib |insanelib |1.7.5 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
villagernames-1.19.2-5.2.jar |Villager Names |villagernames |5.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
darkness-forge-mc119-2.0.101.jar |True Darkness |darkness |2.0.101 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Controlling-forge-1.19.2-10.0+7.jar |Controlling |controlling |10.0+7 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Placebo-1.19.2-7.3.1.jar |Placebo |placebo |7.3.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
citadel-2.1.4-1.19.jar |Citadel |citadel |2.1.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
alexsmobs-1.21.1.jar |Alex's Mobs |alexsmobs |1.21.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
cloudstorage-1.3.4-1.19.2.jar |Cloud Storage |cloudstorage |1.3.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
combatcircle-0.3.jar |Footwork |combatcircle |0.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
mixinextras-forge-0.2.0-beta.6.jar |MixinExtras |mixinextras |0.2.0-beta.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
nomadictents-19.2.0.jar |Nomadic Tents |nomadictents |19.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
culinaryconstruct-forge-5.0.0+1.19.2.jar |Culinary Construct |culinaryconstruct |5.0.0+1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Bookshelf-Forge-1.19.2-16.3.20.jar |Bookshelf |bookshelf |16.3.20 |DONE |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
sophisticatedbackpacks-1.19.2- |Sophisticated Backpacks |sophisticatedbackpacks |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
relics-1.19.2- |Relics |relics | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
wares-1.19.2-1.0.2.jar |Wares |wares |1.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
generatorgalore-1.19.2- |Generator Galore |generatorgalore |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
carryon-forge-1.19.2- |Carry On |carryon | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ShieldExpansion-1.19.2-1.1.6.jar |Shield Expansion |shieldexp |1.1.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
dragonfight-1.19.2-2.6.jar |dragonfight mod |dragonfight |1.19.2-2.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
chipped-forge-1.19.2-2.1.5.jar |Chipped |chipped |2.1.5 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
FarmersDelight-1.19.2-1.2.2.jar |Farmer's Delight |farmersdelight |1.19.2-1.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
chefs-delight-1.0.2-forge-1.19.2.jar |Chefs Delight |chefsdelight |1.0.2-forge-1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
culturaldelights-1.19.2-0.15.4.jar |Cultural Delights |culturaldelights |0.15.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
butchercraft-2.2.1.jar |Butchercraft |butchercraft |2.2.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Delightful-1.19.2-3.3.jar |Delightful |delightful |3.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
endsdelight-1.19.2-1.2.jar |End's Delight |ends_delight |1.19.2-1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
nomobfarm-1.6.3.jar |No Mob Farms |nomobfarm |1.6.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
endersdelight-1.19-1.2.0.jar |Ender's Delight |endersdelight |1.19-1.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
endrem_forge-5.2.1-R-1.19.X.jar |End Remastered |endrem |5.2.1-R-1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
elenaidodge2-1.0.2.jar |Elenai Dodge 2 |elenaidodge2 |0.0NONE |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
player-animation-lib-forge-1.0.2.jar |Player Animator |playeranimator |1.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
HangGlider-v4.0.0-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Hang Glider |hangglider |4.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
born_in_chaos_[Forge]1.19.2_1.5.jar |Born in Chaos |born_in_chaos_v1 |1.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
L_Enders_Cataclysm-1.21-1.19.2.jar |Cataclysm Mod |cataclysm |1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Patchouli-1.19.2-77.jar |Patchouli |patchouli |1.19.2-77 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Tinted Campfires-1.19.2-1.2.6.jar |Tinted Campfires |tintedcampfires |1.19.2-1.2.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
collective-1.19.2-6.65.jar |Collective |collective |6.65 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
OreExcavation-1.11.166.jar |OreExcavation |oreexcavation |1.11.166 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
villagertools-1.19-1.0.3.jar |villagertools |villagertools |1.19-1.0.3 |DONE |Manifest: 1f:47:ac:b1:61:82:96:b8:47:19:16:d2:61:81:11:60:3a:06:4b:61:31:56:7d:44:31:1e:0c:6f:22:5b:4c:ed
SimplyTools-1.19.2-1.2.1.jar |Simply Tools |simplytools |1.19.2-1.2.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsBetterStrongholds-1.19.2-Forge-3.2.0.jar |YUNG's Better Strongholds |betterstrongholds |1.19.2-Forge-3.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
EnigmaticLegacy-2.26.5.jar |Enigmatic Legacy |enigmaticlegacy |2.26.5 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
resourcefullib-forge-1.19.2-1.1.24.jar |Resourceful Lib |resourcefullib |1.1.24 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
architectury-6.5.85-forge.jar |Architectury |architectury |6.5.85 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ftb-library-forge-1902.4.0-build.232.jar |FTB Library |ftblibrary |1902.4.0-build.232 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ftb-teams-forge-1902.2.14-build.123.jar |FTB Teams |ftbteams |1902.2.14-build.123 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
AI-Improvements-1.19.2-0.5.2.jar |AI-Improvements |aiimprovements |0.5.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
attributizer-1.2.jar |Attributizer |attributizer |1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
EnchantWithMob-1.19.2-7.8.2.jar |Enchant With Mob |enchantwithmob |1.19.2-7.8.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
smallships-forge-1.19.2-2.0.0-a2.3.jar |Small Ships |smallships |2.0.0-a2.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
cursery-1.19.2-3.1.jar |Cursery Mod |cursery |1.19.2-3.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Towns-and-Towers-v.1.10-_FORGE-1.19.2_.jar |Towns and Towers |t_and_t |1.10 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
TradingPost-v4.2.0-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Trading Post |tradingpost |4.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
Cyclic-1.19.2-1.8.1.jar |Cyclic |cyclic |1.19.2-1.8.1 |DONE |Manifest: 1f:47:ac:b1:61:82:96:b8:47:19:16:d2:61:81:11:60:3a:06:4b:61:31:56:7d:44:31:1e:0c:6f:22:5b:4c:ed
lightstones-1.7.0.jar |Lightstones |lightstones |1.7.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
majruszs-accessories-1.19.2-1.2.2.jar |Majrusz's Accessories |majruszsaccessories |1.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
MobPlaques-v4.0.1-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Mob Plaques |mobplaques |4.0.1 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
inventorysorter-1.19.2-21.0.4.jar |Simple Inventory Sorter |inventorysorter |21.0.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Wooden Elytra 1.19.2.jar |Wooden Elytra |wooden_elytra |1.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
biomemakeover-FORGE-1.19.2-1.6.4.jar |Biome Makeover |biomemakeover |1.19.2-1.6.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
oculus-flywheel-compat-1.19.2-0.2.1.jar |Oculus Flywheel Compat |irisflw |1.19.2-0.2.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
celestial_1.19_forge-1.3.6.jar |Celestial |celestial |1.3.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
item-filters-forge-1902.2.9-build.51.jar |Item Filters |itemfilters |1902.2.9-build.51 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ftb-quests-forge-1902.5.1-build.250.jar |FTB Quests |ftbquests |1902.5.1-build.250 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
terraform-utils-v1-4.2.0.jar |Terraform Utils |terraform_utils |4.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
traverse-common-6.2.4.jar |Traverse Reforged: Common |traverse_common |6.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Laendli_1.7.4(for_1.19.2).jar |Laendli Transport |laendli_transport |1.7.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
dungeons_mobs-1.19.2-4.0.8-beta.jar |Dungeons Mobs |dungeons_mobs |1.19.2-4.0.8-beta |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
l2complements-1.4.9.jar |L2 Complements |l2complements |1.4.9 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
l2weaponry-1.2.6.jar |L2 Weaponry |l2weaponry |1.2.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
l2archery-1.2.5.jar |L2 Archery |l2archery |1.2.5 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
obscure_api-15.jar |Obscure API |obscure_api |15 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
aquamirae-6.API15.jar |Aquamirae |aquamirae |6.API15 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CuriosQuarkOBP-1.19.2-1.2.3.jar |Curios Quark Oddities Backpack|curiosquarkobp |1.2.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
terraform-wood-api-v1-4.2.0.jar |Terraform Wood API (v1) Reforg|terraform_wood_api_v1 |4.2.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
waystones-forge-1.19.2-11.4.1.jar |Waystones |waystones |11.4.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
BuildersDelight-1.19.2-v.1.1.jar |Builder's Delight |buildersdelight |1.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
AgeOfWeapons-Reforged-1.19.2-(v.0.7.3).jar |Age of Weapons - Reforged |ageofweapons |0.7.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Clumps-forge-1.19.2-9.0.0+14.jar |Clumps |clumps |9.0.0+14 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
faction_craft-1.19.2-1.3.4.jar |Faction Craft |faction_craft |1.19.2-1.3.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
artifacts-1.19.2-5.0.3.jar |Artifacts |artifacts |1.19.2-5.0.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
configured-2.1.1-1.19.2.jar |Configured |configured |2.1.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
farsighted-mobs-forge-1.1-1.19.jar |Farsighted Mobs |farsightedmobs |1.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
BetterTotemOfUndying-Forge-1.19.2-1.0.0.jar |Better Totem Of Undying |better_totem_of_undying |1.19.2-1.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
everycomp-1.19.2-2.4.12.jar |Every Compat |everycomp |1.19.2-2.4.12 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
YungsBetterDesertTemples-1.19.2-Forge-2.2.2.jar |YUNG's Better Desert Temples |betterdeserttemples |1.19.2-Forge-2.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ExplorersCompass-1.19.2-1.3.0-forge.jar |Explorer's Compass |explorerscompass |1.19.2-1.3.0-forge |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
mahoutsukai-1.19.2-v1.34.52.jar |Mahou Tsukai |mahoutsukai |1.19.2-v1.34.52 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
farsight-1.19.2-2.1.jar |Farsight mod |farsight_view |1.19.2-2.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
walljump-unofficial-1.6.1b-all+1.19.2.jar |Wall-Jump! UNOFFICIAL |walljump |1.6.1b |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
inventorypets-1.19.2-2.0.19.jar |Inventory Pets |inventorypets |2.0.19 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
blueprint-1.19.2-6.1.2.jar |Blueprint |blueprint |6.1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
environmental-1.19.2-3.0.0.jar |Environmental |environmental |3.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
savage_and_ravage-1.19.2-5.0.4.jar |Savage & Ravage |savage_and_ravage |5.0.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
autumnity-1.19.2-4.0.0.jar |Autumnity |autumnity |4.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
allurement-1.19.2-3.1.0.jar |Allurement |allurement |3.1.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
traverse-forge-6.2.4.jar |Traverse Reforged |traverse |6.2.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CoffeeDelight-Forge-1.19.2-1.3.jar |Coffee Delight |coffee_delight |1.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
miningmaster-1.19.2-4.1.3.jar |Mining Master |miningmaster |4.1.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Durabuilt1.19.2(Forge)vs1.0.2.jar |Durabuilt |durabuilt |1.19.2-1.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
AkashicTome-1.6-23.jar |Akashic Tome |akashictome |1.6-23 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
dungeons-and-taverns-2.0.2 forge.jar |Dungeons and Taverns |dungeons_andtaverns_mr |2.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
TravelersTitles-1.19.2-Forge-3.1.2.jar |Traveler's Titles |travelerstitles |1.19.2-Forge-3.1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
toofast-1.19- |Too Fast |toofast | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
meetyourfight-1.19.2-1.3.4.jar |Meet Your Fight |meetyourfight |1.19.2-1.3.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
The_Graveyard_Biomes_1.4_(FORGE)_for_1.19.2.jar |The Graveyard Biomes |graveyard_biomes |1.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
simplyswords-forge-1.47.0-1.19.2.jar |Simply Swords |simplyswords |1.47.0-1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
EnchantmentDescriptions-Forge-1.19.2-13.0.14.jar |EnchantmentDescriptions |enchdesc |13.0.14 |DONE |Manifest: eb:c4:b1:67:8b:f9:0c:db:dc:4f:01:b1:8e:61:64:39:4c:10:85:0b:a6:c4:c7:48:f0:fa:95:f2:cb:08:3a:e5
moonlight-1.19.2-2.2.43-forge.jar |Moonlight Library |moonlight |1.19.2-2.2.43 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
spelunkery-1.19.2-0.2.2-forge.jar |Spelunkery |spelunkery |1.19.2-0.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
smarterfarmers-1.19.2-1.7.1.jar |Smarter Farmers |smarterfarmers |1.19.2-1.7.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
RegionsUnexploredForge-0.4.1_1+1.19.2.jar |Regions Unexplored |regions_unexplored |0.4.1_1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
MagnumTorch-v4.2.2-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Magnum Torch |magnumtorch |4.2.2 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
silent-lib-1.19.2-7.0.3.jar |Silent Lib |silentlib |7.0.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CreativeCore_FORGE_v2.9.4_mc1.19.2.jar |CreativeCore |creativecore |2.9.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CreeperHeal-1.19-2.0.2.jar |creeperheal |creeperheal |1.19-2.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: 1f:47:ac:b1:61:82:96:b8:47:19:16:d2:61:81:11:60:3a:06:4b:61:31:56:7d:44:31:1e:0c:6f:22:5b:4c:ed
archers_paradox-1.19.2- |Archer's Paradox |archers_paradox | |DONE |Manifest: 75:0b:cc:9b:64:2e:9b:c4:41:d1:95:00:71:ee:87:1a:b3:5e:4b:da:8e:e8:39:00:fd:5d:e5:9c:40:42:33:09
weaponmaster-1.3.1-1.19.2.jar |Weapon Master |weaponmaster |1.3.1-1.19.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
NethersDelight-1.19-3.0.jar |Nether's Delight |nethersdelight |1.19-3.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ColdsGauntlets1.19.2(Forge)vs1.0.0.jar |Colds Gauntlets |coldsgauntlets |1.19.2-1.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
atmospheric-1.19.2-5.0.0.jar |Atmospheric |atmospheric |5.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
rottencreatures-forge-1.19.2-1.0.1.jar |Rotten Creatures |rottencreatures |1.0.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
BarteringStation-v4.0.3-1.19.2-Forge.jar |Bartering Station |barteringstation |4.0.3 |DONE |Manifest: 9a:09:85:98:65:c4:8c:11:c5:49:f6:d6:33:23:39:df:8d:b4:ff:92:84:b8:bd:a5:83:9f:ac:7f:2a:d1:4b:6a
Iceberg-1.19.2-forge-1.1.4.jar |Iceberg |iceberg |1.1.4 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Quark-3.4-405.jar |Quark |quark |3.4-405 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
supplementaries-1.19.2-2.3.20.jar |Supplementaries |supplementaries |1.19.2-2.3.20 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
brutalbosses-1.19.2-6.3.jar |brutalbosses mod |brutalbosses |1.19.2-6.3 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ParCool-1.19.2- |ParCool! |parcool |1.19.2- |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
feathers-1.1.2.jar |Feathers |feathers |1.1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
irons_spellbooks-1.19.2-1.1.8.jar |Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks |irons_spellbooks |1.19.2-1.1.8 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
armourersworkshop-forge-1.19.2-2.0.2.jar |Armourer's Workshop |armourers_workshop |2.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: 58:d0:3b:4b:a0:4b:43:fb:59:0f:27:f5:39:d5:65:de:9a:24:ee:2e:15:48:b1:4f:78:1a:e1:ef:cd:a4:d9:0a
creeperoverhaul-2.0.9-forge.jar |Creeper Overhaul |creeperoverhaul |2.0.9 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
alexsdelight-1.4.1.jar |Alex's Delight |alexsdelight |1.4.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ferritecore-5.0.3-forge.jar |Ferrite Core |ferritecore |5.0.3 |DONE |Manifest: 41:ce:50:66:d1:a0:05:ce:a1:0e:02:85:9b:46:64:e0:bf:2e:cf:60:30:9a:fe:0c:27:e0:63:66:9a:84:ce:8a
extradelight-1.0.2.jar |ExtraDelight |extradelight |1.0.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
SoL-Carrot-1.19.2-1.14.0.jar |Spice of Life: Carrot Edition |solcarrot |1.19.2-1.14.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
ItalianDelight-1.19.2 1.5-MAR_FIX.jar |Italian Delight |italian_delight |1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
footwork-2.6.jar |Footwork |footwork |2.6 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
cloakanddagger-1.3.5.jar |Cloak and Dagger |cloakanddagger |1.3.5 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
wardance-1.1.2.jar |Project: War Dance |wardance |1.1.2 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
Enhanced_Celestials-forge-1.19.2- |Enhanced Celestials |enhancedcelestials | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
CorgiLib-forge-1.19.2- |CorgiLib |corgilib | |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
majruszs-enchantments-1.19.2-1.9.0.jar |Majrusz's Enchantments |majruszsenchantments |1.9.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
MagicTotems-1.19.2-1.4a.jar |Magic Totems |totemsofpower |1.4a |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
grindstonesharpertools-1.19.2-3.1.jar |Grindstone Sharper Tools |grindstonesharpertools |3.1 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
expandability-forge-7.0.0.jar |ExpandAbility |expandability |7.0.0 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
chisels-and-bits-forge-1.3.135.jar |chisels-and-bits |chiselsandbits |1.3.135 |DONE |Manifest: NOSIGNATURE
OpenLoader-Forge-1.19.2-15.0.1.jar |OpenLoader |openloader |15.0.1 |DONE |Manifest:
I popped into your discord if you want to ping me to try test some stuff or whatever, if it helps with the reaction time when I'm not paying attention.
hello darkness my old friiiiend~
Yeeah, I've done enough binary searches... usually with a pinch of educated guessing. otherwise I'd be there for an eternity. :V maybe tomorrow, gonna sleep now. but... I was actually probably gonna end up binary searching some stuff for you eventually anyways if you didn't find it on a guess/whim immediately.'
Guess I'll make a dud origin that has just some start gear and your callback checker power. and cycle myself to death until it stops being weird/gives a different effect.
I tried installing every mod myself but I realised that I'd be here forever if I did.
btw, if you were REEEEAALLY wanting to do that, I could've literally just sent you an export of the pack exactly as I have it now. complete with datapacks and configs etc
no issues at all.
alright. any bets? down to 67 mods out of the nearly 300 now... left in the stuff that might need to manage a dead player to give them back stuff. and picking through them few at a time on educated guess now... only thing in. a bundle of start gear from vanilla and the callback checker.
I have a hunch or two.
alright. poking corail gravestones itself, down to like 13 mods, all of which are either quark related, libraries or rubidium... since corails is my second hunch. since war dance needs to replicate the player's skill build when they respawn, but it wasn't that. thankfully...
[nani intensifies]
how certain are you that you haven't played yourself....?
yourself has been successfully played. it's not curios api. :V I just removed it now. literally only 3 mods. theres no where else to go.
guess I better just try to circumvent the start gear respawning with a condition or something...
[link delet. bug is replicate]
Lift the datapacks out of openloader's config folder and stuff. hopefully I haven't done anything too whack...
it kinda requires the mods, cause the starting gear has stuff tailored to various mods. or you just need to see what I'm actually doing with it?
could it be the layers? I edit the original layer to only be humangs. but then have sub origins on a second layer that govern the start location+gear with a little flavor story for people to maybe roleplay, and then a 3rd, which only contains "deaths door" mechanics. which is a custom thing I do to prevent being one shot and DoT murdered cheaply without any way to fight back.
I'm also planning to sneak some other mechanics in there related to pack progression also, likely under the deaths door stuff which I'll probably explain through quests or fancy tell messages...
Please don't tell me I've been making dodgy origin mechanics the whole time. D:
could it be the layers? I edit the original layer to only be humangs. but then have sub origins on a second layer that govern the start location+gear with a little flavor story for people to maybe roleplay, and then a 3rd, which only contains "deaths door" mechanics. which is a custom thing I do to prevent being one shot and DoT murdered cheaply without any way to fight back.
I'm also planning to sneak some other mechanics in there related to pack progression also, likely under the deaths door stuff.
I don't think so as I now have a second layer inside data that only runs inside a developer environment, and with it, I couldn't replicate this issue.
I think it's an issue with how the mod is syncing a power type.
OH SHIT. never had that before.
Had a friend's PC just refuse to start pack cause ram access. but never kaboomed the PC with it. xD
OWO So you can fix it right? now that you know where it's coming from?
I don't quite know where it's coming from yet, I need to test it with a single layer.
Wasn't expecting a bluescreen by saving and quitting a world with your modpack ๐
Probably just inefficient ram I'd guess.
Alright, I've figured out what's happening here.
Apoli's /power is fine but it's when you put a power on an origin, that's when the issue arises. It's replicable with 1 layer.
Well alrighty. Hope you can fix it! ... and hope the pack doesn't blue screen you again. X_X
I won't need the pack from here-on out, I've replicated it by just adding a callback power to human.
Okay, I've fixed it.
The issue was within NBT loading and differences between Cardinal Components API (Fabric) and Forge Capabilities.
Origins Fabric's previous origin persists on players across respawns, as it uses sync packets to handle it as per CCA, Origins Forge's doesn't and instead uses the previous player's NBT. The codebase did not account for this difference as the new player doesn't have NBT.
This should also fix other weird event calls such as logging in, etc.
you beauty. :D all the birds with one big stone (since it can fix other issues that haven't come up yet)? will definitely look forward to the bug fix release. :)
who'da thought me trying to put a bundle of fancy stuff in someones pocket would cause that level of an oof. X_X
Can I expect a patch update soonish? I'd kinda like this patch so I can have start gear that doesn't return when I hope to test my pack on a server towards the end of the week. :< or do you still have a lot to go through?
Can I expect a patch update soonish? I'd kinda like this patch so I can have start gear that doesn't return when I hope to test my pack on a server towards the end of the week. :< or do you still have a lot to go through?
I could probably release a patch sometime today. As I've gotten through quite a large chunk of the broken stuff.
I've just been busy with other things.