Powers never resolve / Cant respawn.
Mireball opened this issue · 4 comments
- Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
- Mod Loader Version: 47.3.1
- Origins Version:
- Origins++ Version: 2.2
- Pehkui Version: 3.8.2
Any/all origins that teleport you to a different dimension (Nether/End) when spawning.
When first attempting to spawn in, the game will get stuck on the "Resolving powers" loading screen. Reloading the game "fixes" it, however I will always spawn in the Overworld. Moreover, if I die while playing a race that spawns in a different dimension, I can no longer respawn (option is greyed out. Only way to bypass this is to turn on immediate respawn after death.)
Forgot to add logs
Getting this issue with Broodmother. I think it happened with Sand Walker too, so it seems like most/all Origins that spawn you somewhere other than normal, wether it´d be a dimension, biome or structure, have this issue. The respawn button does ungray after waiting a while but its definetly annoying
Clicking "Title Screen" and then trying to respawn afterwards respawns you without an Origin selected
@Diego13303 Yes, this issue occurs when the game hangs trying to find a spawnpoint for the player. If it is set to a biome or structure, the game can take too long to find a valid location.
Merging with #320 with (now a pinned issue)