Origins (Fabric)

Origins (Fabric)


[BUG] Origins that use pehkui get out of whack

ryleu opened this issue · 0 comments


I’m using the inchling mod from extra origins, and hopping through the end portal (or possessing a human shell with that origin using requiem and pandemonium) makes the pehkui shrinking effect get applied again. So basically very smol.

I’ll get a recording of this happening if needed.

I’m using Origins, Extra Origins, and Pehkui (and sometimes also requiem), but the authors of each of the other mods have said it isn’t their fault.

  • Extra origins just uses the base origins built in methods.
  • Requiem just copies scale and origin data into the human shell and then copies it back onto the player when you possess the shell.
  • Pehkui does allows the shrinking to happen, it wouldn’t reapply the affect over and over.

I’ve updated to the latest version of each mod, but that didn’t fix it.