Origins (Fabric)

Origins (Fabric)


Origins Crashing Loop

Woliamm opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Whenever i was joining my server i always crashed and when i reuploaded the Origins mod it started working again, but then after a while we restarted my server, and then i started having issues again

Edit: The problem might have been caused by a datapack


Can you try updating your mods and if it persists send the full crash report?


[07-Jul-2021 14:23:45] [INFO] UUID of player Woliam is eca8e38b-8dad-4424-8d6a-69148f40007f

[07-Jul-2021 14:23:45] [INFO] Woliam[/] logged in with entity id 14016 at (198.6979747766658, 68.41999998688698, -139.76283542814173)

[07-Jul-2021 14:23:45] [WARN] Player class_3222['Woliam'/14016, l='ServerLevel[Origin SMP]', x=198.70, y=68.42, z=-139.76] could not be synced because server networking isn't set up yet.

[07-Jul-2021 14:23:45] [INFO] Woliam joined the game

[07-Jul-2021 14:24:30] [INFO] Woliam lost connection: Timed out

[07-Jul-2021 14:24:30] [INFO] Woliam left the game