Origins (Fabric)

Origins (Fabric)


Found Invalid Player Data Fix

SHXRKIEgg opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I tested and found that the Mod Charm is causing Invalid Player Data with Origins. The specific fix is to change the Charm Config "AutomaticRecipeUnlock Enabled" = true to false.


Doesn't seem to work anymore still get Invalid Player Data


I deleted Outvoted, Charm and Iris- but whenever I add a Datapack it permanently corrupts that world for me. I'm still able to join new worlds, but the moment I add a data-pack- it says "invalid player data".


For me its when you make a world and leave and try to rejoin it just says invalid player data no matter what


Has this still not been fixed? This seems like a pretty malignant bug.


still not fixed


I think I have finally tracked down the cause of this bug and managed to fix it. However, due to me not being able to reproduce it with 100% reliability, it may not be fixed in all cases. But I'm optimistic.

The patch will come with the next version, which I hope to release in the coming week.


Should be fixed with the newest version (1.1.0, released yesterday)