Origins (Fabric)

Origins (Fabric)


Invalid Player Data On First Load

ChrisLTheNerd opened this issue ยท 2 comments


So when I first join an existing world (mine is from older non-17 game versions) world this mod gives me an Invalid Player Data error then it works ok on the second load. I'm using Origins-1.17-1.0.3, architectury-2.5.27-fabric, fabric-api-0.40.0+1.17, and it's all on fabric loader 0.11.6-1.17.1. Edit: Now it won't let me even do that unless I get a fresh copy of the mod.
ezgif com-gif-maker


I reported this a long time ago and no answer so I doubt it will be fixed soon


Should be fixed with the newest version (1.1.0, released yesterday)