Origins (Fabric)

Origins (Fabric)


Display Origin In Nametag

Vanthanyx opened this issue · 2 comments


Is there anyway do display a player's origin in their nametag without using a perms system and hand applying every name? If not I'd like to submit a feature request.


Use the /team command
/team create phantom
/team join @s phantom
/team modify color phantom blue
/team modify prefix phantom “[PHANTOM] “
/team modify dofriendlyfire phantom true
Or something like that


Use the /team command /team create phantom /team join @s phantom /team modify color phantom blue /team modify prefix phantom “[PHANTOM] “ /team modify dofriendlyfire phantom true Or something like that

/team is sure a solution, but the vanilla team system does have some annoying restriction (one can not join more than one team at the same time) and is not enough automatic. I think support from Origins mod itself is more reasonable, and I will try make a PR on this :)