Origins (Fabric)

Origins (Fabric)


Cannot join world when used alongside Create

TropheusJ opened this issue · 1 comments


Something with ingredient deserialization fails. This will occur with anything that uses Porting Lib or Serialization Hooks, since the first JiJs the second.

The issue is Calio’s custom serialization stuff doesn’t account for custom ingredient serialization, which is exactly what Serialization Hooks provides.

This will need to be solved on Origins/Apoli/Calio’s side. It seems it would be pretty simple, and the impl can be used as a reference.

Note that this will also apply to ingredient entries/values.


I couldn't reproduce this issue with Origins 1.4.1 and Create version create-mc1.18.2_v0.4.1+635 (which uses Serialization Hooks version serialization_hooks 0.2.0+1.18.f5d4aa6).