Overloaded Compressed Blocks

Overloaded Compressed Blocks


Question on textures

Esseit opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So this mod is perfect for what i need, however im unsure if the following is possible. create stores its textures a bit differently, it stores its textures for its cobble stone blocks via the following directory:

assets\create\textures\block\palettes\ {block type} \ {list of all different textures}

these blocks are mainly the new stones and glasses it adds in, such as scoria, limestone, etc. The mod stores the textures for the raw stone, cobble, bricked, mossy brick, and so on of each new stone type the final directory. i have been able to create compressed versions of the blocks but they cannot find the textures for them. Does the mod currently support a means of finding these textures for use?

If i explained something weirdly or more information is needed do let me know.


Will have to take a look and see exactly what create is doing, but in the mean time the config entry for compressed blocks has a texturePath option that you can just set to the correct (base) texture and it will do tiling of it for you.