MUHAKLorTheDorfTrottel4Github opened this issue ยท 2 comments
mc 1.15.2
almost infinity storage:
does report rf amount to chat
does not report percentage to chat , always 0.0000
max Rf should 2^31 = 2.147.483.648 should 100%
I'm feeding with 4mill/rf/tick ( 4 x maxed Mek,Reactor)
currently (almost infinity storage) :
2.181.800.000 rf ( chat) , 508 % ( by rftools information screen or enegy module/screen)
true infinite storage
does report RF amout to screen and ?bit?
does not report percentage to chat
does not provide any information to rf Readers ( like rftools information sceen )
is it possible to create a "super energy cable" which transfer more than just 200k/tick
( i'm running out of ports on mek.reactor, like to have 1 instead of 5 for energy out)
Just takes a lot of power to move it (it actually prints out ratio of 1 so its percent is current value multiplied by 100, guess I'll fix that):
True Infinity Capacitor can hold 2^(2^31) (a number 646,456,994 decimal digits long). The bits is the actual amount of memory space it takes to hold that number.
Also for moving large amounts around: