oωo (owo-lib)

oωo (owo-lib)


[owo-config] Mod menu does not display double nested options

LubieKakao1212 opened this issue · 0 comments


When I try to nest nested configs they don't appear in the Modmenu config options. The json config works fine.

The code I have currently:

public Dispensers DEVICES_DISPENSERS = new Dispensers();

public static class Dispensers {
    public DispenserDeviceConfig VANILLA_DISPENSER_DEVICE = new DispenserDeviceConfig(OpenCUConfigCommon.Defaults.VANILLA_DISPENSER_DEVICE);
    public DispenserDeviceConfig GOLDEN_DISPENSER_DEVICE = new DispenserDeviceConfig(OpenCUConfigCommon.Defaults.GOLDEN_DISPENSER_DEVICE);
    public DispenserDeviceConfig DIAMOND_DISPENSER_DEVICE = new DispenserDeviceConfig(OpenCUConfigCommon.Defaults.DIAMOND_DISPENSER_DEVICE);
    public DispenserDeviceConfig NETHERITE_DISPENSER_DEVICE = new DispenserDeviceConfig(OpenCUConfigCommon.Defaults.NETHERITE_DISPENSER_DEVICE);


I know that DispenserDeviceConfig works since when I put is outside of Dispensers it works fine
