Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames

Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames


Crashes when opeing advancement screen

TheSweatyYeti opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue Description:

Game crashes when opening advancement screen either by pressing "L" or pausing and clicking "Advancements".

What happens:

Game freezes, goes to loading screen saying "Saving world", and crashes to launcher

What is expected to happen:

Advancement screen opens with PaginatedAdvancements.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open MultiMC and create an instance with Fabric installed
  2. Add Fabric API, Cloth Config, ModMenu, & PaginatedAdvancements into the "Loader mods" folder
  3. Launch the instance
  4. Open an existing world or create a new world
  5. Once loaded, press "L" (or your advancements keybind) or access the pause menu and click "Advancements"
  6. Watch as the game crashes

Affected Versions:

  • PaginatedAdvancements: 1.1.0-1.19
  • Minecraft: 1.19
  • MultiMC 5: 0.6.15-3247
  • Fabric Loader: 0.14.8
  • Fabric API: 0.27.0+1.19
  • Cloth Config: 7.0.73
  • ModMenu: 4.0.4

Most recent log file where the issue was present:

Crash Report

