Painted Biomes

Painted Biomes


Requesting for assistance of using this mod(again for the second time)

Andrewbluebird opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Before reading the current issue, please go to here #12 for answering the previously question that I posted earlier

I did everything in your quick start guide, but the problem is that it did nothing after creating a new world, what could be possibly go wrong and if yes what kind of config that should I do?

(This link below is the images of the everything of following the quick start guide)

(Before talking about that that biomes.png(image named biomes), I will deal with some fixes later. But for now, it didn't load the image X in my newly created world)


I can't really check anything on my side based on this limited information. Can you send the full config file (for example on pastebin), and also your template image?


Here is the config file and the image:

(My config file)

(The image that I'm going to use)

(Btw, have you check out here #12 for the lastest question in this issue? And can you please make a tutorial video of using this mod on YouTube since there aren't any tutorials that are easy to follow(There only German and Mac user options available))


No there is no WorldType for PaintedBiomes. At least the BoP terrain decoration would not work that way, they require the BIOMESOP WorldType to be used. If you try to use any BoP biomes in a non-BIOMESOP WorldType, then there is no decoration whatsoever on top of the surface blocks (no grass, plants, trees, etc.).

Your template image is still broken. You have used some fuzzy brush type or whatever, as the color transition from the blue to the green is not sharp, but there is blending, meaning that you get some blocks at the edge that would not map to either of those biomes, but instead the normal terrain generation biome would peek through from those blocks (unless you specifically map those blended colors to some biomes ofc...). Additionally I didn't find a color mapping from your config file for either the blue or the green color.

So first fix the template image. Use a selection or brush without any blending or interpolation. Check that you don't get any pixels at the transition that are different from those two main colors. Then add those colors you used to the config file to the biome mapping, to the biomes you want those areas to be.


So are you trying to say that it also requires a Biomes O Plenty mod to work with the biomes from Amidst' colours reference list?

Moreover, that image that I send you eariler is NOT drawn by me and it was came with the mod


No BoP is not required. I was explaining one reason why I can't use a custom WorldType for Painted Biomes - BoP biomes would not work in such a WorldType.

And what do you mean by "it came with the mod"? The mod does not ship with any template images.