Pam's HarvestCraft

Pam's HarvestCraft


Water Filter box not functioning on multiplayer server

mitchjb2008 opened this issue · 11 comments



I'm using v1.12.2r and the Water Filter is not functioning. If I try it in Single Player, it appears to work just fine.

This is what the server shows when I put the Woven Cotton into the Water Filter:

Then...nothing happens.

Also, the Changelog describes Woven Cloth to be the ingredient, but that does not's Woven Cotton that works for the recipe (in Single Player, of course).


Same issue but single player: Just not operating. Odd but I even tried to re-weave woven cotton back to woven cotton and tried it too (yeah, found that part funny too but actual recipe) Just not turning on
Harvest: 1.12.2t
MC: 1.12.2
Forge: 2654
Optfine: HD U D1


Logs are not showing anything related to harvestcraft or pamcraft but here are screenshot of 1-3 woven cloth and not registering to 'filter'. Even waited for 5 minutes before recheck if anything shows up similar to press wax, seeds, grains, oils etc.
2018-04-15_16 10 13
2018-04-15_16 09 48
2018-04-15_16 10 00
2018-04-15_16 10 07


Tested single installation. Harvestcraft is working right.

Need more Infos. Make a paste of latest log here.


OK. Look in your config files.
A or more mods they are killing/deleting the recipe.
Any mods mods will not working with harvestcraft automatically and you must allow harvestcraft.

Create a new folder and Install HarvestCraft without uther mods.
You´ll see, HarvestCraf is not the problem.

2018-04-17_13 58 50

2018-04-17_13 59 00


I'm experiencing the same issue with 1.12.2t.

The filter worked for maybe 2 seconds: consumed 2 Woven Cotton, gave 24 water and 12 salt.

Then nothing, it completely stopped. I built another one: it will not consume Woven Cotton.
Moved the first Filter block: it does not work at all. Put it back in the same place: nothing.

I have no mods that modify the Filter recipes. It should never have worked if mod incompatibility was the problem. Which recipes are you talking about?

I believe this is a Harvestcraft bug, not a mod compatibility problem.

Edit: Ok so I moved a bunch of things around and managed to get the filter to work, after relocating it in the middle of a pond with over 5 blocks of water around it. Also works with hoppers.


I had a similar issue (single player) where I created a 3x3 pond surrounded by tilled soil and simply couldn't get the water filter working. Scooping out more space around the pond and adding more water fixed the issue, but this doesn't happen consistently. In one save file I can replicate the issue consistently where in another it simply doesn't happen. It may be a mod interaction as described by @PCobald, but I've also seen something similar happening with multiple ground traps set close together.

I don't have MC handy so I can't check how reproducible that one is, but scooping out single blocks separated from each other by one grass block and setting ground traps in a row seems to cause them to stop working even when counting the grass blocks around them indicates they should be fine. Is there some overlap that disqualifies certain blocks, like water contributing to "watered" farmland not counting or grass contributing to another ground trap doing something similar?


Seems like these blocks all need their own sets of surrounding blocks and cannot share. It makes sense in a way, but I wish it had just been made clearer in the documentation.

I've moved all my traps, hives, filters etc. to more distant locations from each other and haven't run into that issue since.

I'm also convinced the water filter looks for "more than 5" blocks, not "5 or more blocks"...


That may have something to do with how they're counted. I can't really say without digging into the code , and I'm trying to avoid that despite having my own issue (#221) since the source here doesn't seem to be commented or up to date.


It's not, Pam confirmed that they're out of sync.



Can confirm this is how it needs to be setup in order to work in 1.12.2


So I found this issue trying to figure it out, and we needed a 5x5 pool to get it to work, wouldn't work with 3x3.