Pam's HarvestCraft

Pam's HarvestCraft


1.12.2 Missing Recipes

JoshD8500 opened this issue · 5 comments


I’ve gone through all the recipes using the latest version of HC. Missing Recipes Are: Berry Vinaigrette Salad. Garlic Steak. BBQ Jackfruit Lychee Tea. Imitation Crab Sticks Schnitzel Sauced Lamb Kebab Swedish Meatballs Bratwurst


same here


I noticed that in 1.12.2ze the Berry Vinaigrette Salad recipe actually outputs a pizza slice. Kale seed recipe was still missing in this version too. I haven't checked 1.12.2.zf yet.


PR 374 fixes the berry vinaigrette salad, the missing kale seed recipe, and the missing tomatillo seed recipe. (=


As of version zg, the Berry Vinaigrette has been fixed, but the remainder are still uncraftable.

Using crafttweaker I inspected the recipes to find out the actual problems causing them to break:

  • Lychee Tea: recipe fails because the Lychee item is missing the oredict entry 'cropLychee'
  • BBQ Jackfruit: recipe fails because the Jackfruit item is missing the oredict entry 'cropJackfruit'
  • Imitation Crab Sticks: recipe includes an invalid oredict 'listAllwheat' (which doesn't exist- assuming this should be either foodFlour or cropWheat)
  • Swedish Meatballs & Garlic Steak: use the incorrect oredict 'foodSpiceleaf' (should be 'cropSpiceleaf')
  • Sauced Lamb Kebab: uses the incorrect oredict 'foodYogurt' (should be 'foodPlainyogurt')
  • Schnitzel & Bratwurst: recipes have been incorrectly allocated to the Quesadilla instead

(this is a duplicate of #360 & should be closed)