Pam's HarvestCraft

Pam's HarvestCraft


1.8.9 - Version E not working properly (missing textures/recipes/items)

QueenSis opened this issue · 4 comments


Version E of 1.8.9 does not work properly - only about four pages of items can be seen and they are mostly crops, fruits, and trees. In creative mode, I can see that there are other items and recipes, but they all show up as a missing texture both in the GUI and in the actual Minecraft world.

Version D works fine and shows all of the textures, recipes, and items, but I know some fixes were added to E that are not in D.


I'm having this problem, I recall reading someone had a fix with a script that changed the capitalization of some files, but I can't find the post again or what website it was on. Does anyone know of the fix?


Not accepting non 1.12.2 bug reports at this time.


It's still an issue though, for people who play on 1.8.9


This fix is surprisingly easy! The issue is that many of the JSON files in assets/harvestcraft/models/item are named *item.json instead of *Item.json (ie kiwiitem.json instead of kiwiItem.json), and so aren't being seen by the renderer. To fix the issue, just extract everything from jar into a new directory (this can be done with jar xvf "../Pam's+HarvestCraft+1.8.9e.jar" in Linux if you're in an empty directory you want to extract into), rename all the files (can be done by like for fname in $(find .); do new_fname=${fname/item/Item}; mv $fname $new_fname; done; from assets/harvestcraft/models/item), and jar it all back up again (via jar cvf "../Pam's+HarvestCraft+1.8.9e.jar" * from the root directory where the jar's contents were extracted to).