Panda's Falling Tree's

Panda's Falling Tree's


1.20.1 Forge Server Crash / Corrupting World Chunk

Kowantify opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

QuarryPlus block crashing game when placed down on Multiplayer server (Crash log is showing that Treechop is causing the error)

Modpack being used: iByte Ultimate 1.20.1
To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Place down Quarry Block
Server crashes
Remove mod and join server with no further issues

If your server/client has crashed, please give me the crash report.

Minecraft version: 1.20.1
Single Player or Multi Player?: Multiplayer
Forge version: 47.3.28
Treechop Version: TreeChop-1.20.1-forge-0.19.0-fixed.jar
Other mods: 300+ Mods (from modpack)

Crash report or logs



Thanks for the report, I have identified the issue and will have a fix ready for the next patch.