Panda's Falling Tree's

Panda's Falling Tree's


[INCOMPATIBILITY] Physics Mod block particles

VOLKOUL opened this issue · 1 comments


With Dynamic Trees it is possible to get rid of Physics Mod particles when chopping down a tree, as Dynamic Trees adds it's own blocks the physics of which can be turned off in the Physics Mod config file. The same cannot be done with this mod.
Unlike Dynamic Trees, this mod doesn't add custom blocks (I think) (and which imo is better, since when chopping down a tree and leaving a base log as a decoration it doesn't appear as custom block and will stay there even if the mod is removed)

Anyways, if something can be done about ↓this↓ , it would be greatly appreciated.

2023-07-10_15 25 48


I dont know if i can fix this but i will look into it.