Panda's Falling Tree's

Panda's Falling Tree's


[BUG] Latest update does not load

Camawama opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I recently updated HT's TreeChop to v0.19.0 and also updated Panda's Falling Trees. Unfortunately, the game would crash during bootup and would say "Panda's Falling Trees requires HT's treechop v0.19.0 but you have v0.18.8. I double-checked to make sure I did in fact have v0.19.0 (which I did).

So I checked the mods.toml file for HT's TreeChop and sure enough the version listed was v0.18.8. I updated the version number in mods.toml to v0.19.0 and the modpack loaded fine, however, I noticed that Panda's Falling Trees did not load and only PandaLib did. I'm unsure what is going on here but the Falling Tree mod is not loading but it's also not crashing?

