Panda's Falling Tree's

Panda's Falling Tree's


[INFO][INCOMPATIBILITY] Forge version 0.12.4-1.20 asking for HT's TreeChop ver. 1.18.5 (last ver. is 0.19.0)

suitablychosenusername opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hiya! This is a simple issue I can fix myself (or anyone, tbh), so I'm posting just as a heads-up.

Affected Mods

  • HT's TreeChop (any ver. now)


  • Panda's Falling Trees: 0.12.4
  • Minecraft: 1.20.1
  • Mod Loader: Forge 47.3.1


New version asks for version 1.18.5+ during mod loading. Probably just a typo in the META-INF/mods.toml file.


Note: I've manually changed HT's TreeChop ver. in its meta file to show 0.19.0 instead

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install all mods
  2. Launch game
  3. Wait for the crash



This is not an official instruction/workaround, as I am just a fan and NOT related to the dev team in any way. I only encourage you to proceed if you have an idea of how the files/programming work. Do this at own risk and don't blame me or the dev team for any mistakes you do.

  1. Open the META-INF/mods.toml file
  2. Look for the dependency with modId="treechop"
  3. Change the value of its versionRange property to "[0.18.5,)" instead.

Note: if you're on a mod manager like CurseForge, move the .jar to another folder before altering it, or the manager will probably delete the whole .jar once you save the file in it
Another Note: keep in my mind that your mod manager may not find the altered mod once you put it back in the mods folder, which means you won't be notified by it when a new update becomes available


Why is it i cant press buttons correctly. Thanks for the heads up, i'll have a release out a fast as possible.


Why is it i cant press buttons correctly. Thanks for the heads up, i'll have a release out a fast as possible.

lmao I assure you you're not the only one xD

thanks for the quick reply! Keep up the awesome work (:


Just pushed a new update, its out on Modrinth and will be out soon on Curseforge.