


Removing hearts from other players

jerichooo7 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Is it possible to remove hearts from other players in a multiplayer server? Removing the mod does not remove hearts, unfortunately. When I started the server my I never put a cap on the hearts cuz i didnt know about it, and now my friend has 200 health and doesnt die :/ I doubt I can get them to use the anti vessel lol. pls help


Starting from 20.1.0 you can use command /paraglider set heart_container @player 1 to force set player's Heart Container.

Heart Container won't give you 200 HP btw, unless you changed the config option.


is there any way to do this in older versions? i'm on 1.18.2 ( and i need to reset the hearts of players on my server


A couple of other, less convenient ways are available.

  • You can directly edit the save data. The data should be in the player save file, under capability section.
  • If you have a competent scripting mod that can access Java code (aka kubejs lol) then you can probably access the code-side API directly to set the amount of heart container.
  • I think if you edit the config value for maximum amount of hearts a player can take, then the HP value of the player should be re-adjusted on server reload/player rejoin.
  • Lastly, you can force the player to eat Anti Vessel... somehow.

The third method works! i set the max amount to 0 and disabled heart containers temporarily and it worked just fine, tysm!