Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt)

Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt)


Banners as part of multi-blocks don't seem to render.

PongoSapiens opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm creating a patchouli based guide book for "Dimensional Dungeons", and advanced portals in that mod use banners. I've successfully created a multi-block description for the basic portal, but the multi-block for the advanced portal refuses to render the required banners:

			"multiblock": {
				"pattern": [
					["  ","  ","C ","K ","C ","  ","  "],
					["Gw","  ","B ","  ","B ","  ","Gp"],
					["B ","  ","B ","0 ","B ","  ","B "],
					["B ","  ","  ","B ","  ","  ","B "]
				"mapping": {
					"C": "dimdungeons:block_portal_crown",
					"K": "dimdungeons:block_portal_keyhole",
					"G": "dimdungeons:block_gilded_portal",
					"B": "minecraft:stone_bricks",
					"w": "minecraft:white_wall_banner[facing=south]",
					"p": "minecraft:purple_wall_banner[facing=south]"

Minecraft: 1.15.2
Forge: 31.2.0
Patchouli: 1.2-33


This issue is stale because it has been open for a while with no activity. Please bump if this is still an issue, or this ticket will be closed soon.