Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt)

Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt)


Structure visualisation rotates around the centre in the opposite direction as the player

ChiriVulpes opened this issue · 1 comments


My structure is the following (modded items have been replaced with vanilla items for demonstration):

"mapping": {
	"O": "minecraft:obsidian",
	"E": "minecraft:iron_block",
	"B": "minecraft:iron_bars",
	"C": "minecraft:hopper",
	"0": "minecraft:crafting_table"
"pattern": [
	[ "E   E ", "      ", "      ", "      ", "E   E " ],
	[ "OB BO ", "B   B ", "      ", "B   B ", "OB BO " ],
	[ "OBBBO ", "BCCCB ", "BCCCB0", "BCCCB ", "OBBBO " ]

When visualising the structure, I expect it to always face the same direction I'm facing, but this isn't what happens. When I face north & south, it's correct, but when I face east & west, the structure is inside myself.


Watching the rotations of myself and the structure shows that the problem is that I'm rotating clockwise, but it's rotating anticlockwise. I'm not sure if the anticlockwise rotation in the visualisation would ever be helpful, but if it would, maybe this would be better as an option than simply changing permanently.
