


[Bug]: Issue With Scaling AbstractHorse Passenger Location

Rikurob opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft version(s)


Minecraft version details

No response

Mod loader


Mod loader version

Forge 47.0.35

Fabric API version

No response

In what kind of world or server did the problem occur?

My singleplayer world

What went wrong? (Crash logs don't go here)

It seems the current way Pehkui currently scales the player riding position is causing issues. I am the creator of the mod Variable Mob Height which uses Pehkui as a dependency. I got a comment on my mod page that when scaled, the player no longer rides a horse from the correct location, and will either float above or clip into the horse. I checked this out for myself, and double checked it was just a Pehkui issue first and not my mod by checking Pehkui by itself for the issue, which is indeed the case. I believe the issue is from the AbstractHorseEntityMixin under compat119minus. Although it could also just be from the hitbox after reviewing other things.

Full list of installed mods and their version numbers

Pehkui only

Did the problem cause the game to crash?


Full crash report contents (if you experienced a crash)

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