


[Suggestion]: Scaling of FOV

IdrisQe opened this issue ยท 0 comments


What is your suggestion?

I was kind of surprised this wasn't a thing already - and I could swear it was before, or maybe just as part of one of the older player size modifying mods, not sure which - since my understanding is that field of view is proportional to the size of the lens (whether camera or eye) and I think the ability to modify FoV using the scale commands would be neat for immersion - you definitely feel a lot smaller if you lower the FoV after shrinking, or vise-versa for growing (to an extent), and having a way for the mod to automatically apply that scale to the dynamic FoV would be neat (so the FoV increase when sprinting or using a spyglass would be proportionally applied too)
and of course it would have no effect if FoV effects are disabled in the video settings for those who don't like FoV changes and are prone to motion sickness. (Maybe even having a clientside config that lets you disable FoV changing for just Pehkui?)