


Planned features, in order of priority (inclusion TBA)

austinv11 opened this issue · 1 comments



  • OpenComputers Support
  • Magnet Turtle
  • Fix wood in the ore dictionary
  • Make speakers use other methods for tts (added in 1.3.0)
  • Nano Technology (added in 1.3.0)


  • Villager interface
  • Make speaker be able to play other sounds
  • CClights-esque monitor
  • Chest Upgrade
  • Furnace Upgrade
  • Add in game reference manuals (for general lua, CC, and my mod) that auto-update
  • Dungeon loot
  • More villager trades
  • Cloud Storage :)
  • A controllable Robot mob
  • Make xp turtles drain/give xp to/from players
  • Anvil Upgrade


  • Blood magic turtle: Can use bound blood orbs to activate rituals/runs off LP
  • Grafter and Scoop Upgrades
  • Gate Reader
  • Tree-Tap Upgrade
  • Computer Engineer's Backpack
  • Laser Upgrade
  • Resupply Upgrade and Station (Added in 1.3.0)
  • Security Station
  • Easy-mode programmer block that ‘compiles’ code onto a floppy disk (Steve's Factory Manager-esque) (use CCEdu)
  • IC2 Turtle Charger(s) (Might not happen because the IC2 api is annoyingly unstable)
  • Alchemist Upgrade
  • Solar Upgrade
  • Chunk Loader Turtle Upgrade (Added in 1.3.0)
  • Ore Dictionary block being an inventory (requires a gui)
  • Java Interface
  • Rideable turtles (added in 1.3.0)
  • Wrench Upgrade (Not sure if I'll ever do this, so many issues associated with implementing this)

This is not a place for suggestions. If you wish to discuss anything, open a new issue or post it on the forums.