


[Bug] ME Bridge listAll() doesn't return GregTech item names correctly

mura3277 opened this issue ยท 6 comments



When I access the items in an AE system with the ME Bridge and print the display name of a GregTech item from the table it doesn't seem to output the correct display name.

Peripherals++ Version: 1.3.0-161

Code used
me = peripheral.wrap("back")
list = me.listAll()
print(list[45][4]) -- 45 being the index of a GT item, 4 being the display name of the item.


The rawid for the GT item is: gregtech:gt.metaitem.01 and the damage is 2505.

I really hope this can be fixed. Thanks.


Sorry, there's nothing I can personally do about it, however you can try to bug greg as it seems to be his fault that display names aren't properly done


Out of curiosity, what gregtech version are you using? And what item are you trying to get the name of? I tested a couple of items in the latest GT version and couln't replicate this.


I am using GregTech 5.08.26 (BloodAsp's Build) and the item was olivine dust.

What environment can you read the correct display names?


Ah, I was testing with GT6. Sadly, there's not much austin can do about this, as it's most likely a problem with the way the author is doing localization.


Sorry to keep posting on this closed issue, but can you confirm that you can read the display names of GT items on GT6? and the version of GT6 you are using so I can pass the info to the GT5 Unofficial github.



Gregtech 6 and 5 are so drastiacally different it hardly matters if it works on 6 and not 5. I took a quick look at that repo and the names of items aren't even being localized properly. I think that getting it working on 5 would require a complete reworking of how greg did items in terms of metadata and whatnot.