Piercing Paxels

Piercing Paxels


[Feature request] Tiered netherite support from Advanced Netherite

NATACHIYENSE opened this issue ยท 1 comments


It would be cool if the netherite paxels could be upgraded with the different netherite tiers from Advanced Netherite, and give the paxels more perks like more slots for the paxel upgrades and you can swap seamlessly between them with a keybind.

Here's the link to that other mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/advanced-netherite


I wouldn't make advanced netherite paxels have extra perks, since that wouldn't make sense given other mods wouldn't get that level of support, and I don't want this mod to 'depend' on adv netherite to be used to its fullest.
Whenever I get time I might make basic support for it though.