Piercing Paxels

Piercing Paxels


[Feature Request] Add Variants Copper, Ruby, Saphire and Peridot

sayore opened this issue · 7 comments


Mostly taken inspiration of Tech Reborn, it would be kinda neat to have these as Paxel options too.


As in doing Tech Reborn compatibility specifically?
Or just doing generic copper/ruby/sapphire/peridot paxels (and then needing the gemstone items too)?


I can add paxels for any mod really, especially ones that have their mod hosted on a maven, all it takes is making the texture and registering the item.


Tech Reborn specifically would be appreciated by me and others, i dont really know anyother mods really that include them(the gems i mean) 🤔
Copper would probably benefit from a generall addition if there is a pickaxe/other tools which are made from copper in the game.


If you want me to, i could spin up the required textures for you from the color palettes of the gem pickaxes


If you want me to, i could spin up the required textures for you from the color palettes of the gem pickaxes

I prefer to do custom textures where possible, especially where the original mod has unique textures on it's tools.
I didn't do copper since TR has no copper tools, but it does have Bronze.
And I added some electric Dracks (Drill Chainsaw Jackhammer) that function the same but use TR energy.


Make another issue if you still want the copper paxel, but be sure to mention a mod to add it as compat for, since I don't really want to have copper tools as a feature of a paxel mod.


Nononoonono its fine i like this, copper is kinda meh anyway, would just have been a nice extra i guess. The Copper tools are from Indrev in AoF but there is no maven, and tbf the gem tools are golden by itself anyway; and holy smokes did you add the Dracks fast good job on that!