Dedicated Server Fails to Load on Startup
JoelZBub opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Fabric 1.18.1-0.13.1
Fabric API 0.46.4+1.18
Cloth Config API 6,2,57 Fabric
SpoornPacks 1.1
SpoornPink 1.0
TerraBlender Fabric 1.18.1-
Dedicated server crashes/hangs on startup with errors from SpoornPink
No Crashlog generated.
latest.log here:
Thanks for catching this!
Fixed in the latest release of SpoornPacks: spoorn/SpoornPacks@3303ccf
Try updating SpoornPacks to 1.2 as that may be all you need to fix the problem. Please reopen if the issue persists