


Filtering is broken / no integration with Trash Cans mod

toolongtospell opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Please read the FAQ before submitting a bug report!

Bug description
Item pipe upgraded with Adv. Upgrade is not enforcing the whitelist filter and is allowing all items to flow to the Item Trash Can.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Add Advanced Pipe Upgrade
  2. Open Pipe config by right-clicking on the pipe coming from the source chest.
  3. Change Filter to 'Whitelist' mode
  4. Click on Add
  5. Shift-Click or Drag the item into the filter slot (item type doesn't matter)
  6. Use the destination tool to set a destination.
  7. Click 'Submit'
  8. Connect the source chest to the 'Item Trash Can' (Trash Cans mod)
  9. All items from the source chest flow into the trash can despite the filter.

Expected behavior
Expect the filter to only allow whitelisted items through the pipe.

--- NOTE ---
When replicating the steps above but replacing the Item Trash Can with a destination chest the filtering works.


  • Minecraft version - 1.18.2
  • Forge version - 40.1.74
  • Mod version - 1.15

Other mods
Trash Cans mod

Screenshots (Optional)


Filters with a specific destination only apply for that destination.
This completely works as intended.


Just so I understand, does setting a destination overwrite the whitelist?


No. Filters just only apply for that exact destination. If you want it to not go into another inventory, you need to blacklist it for that destination.


Okay, thank you for the information and I'll do some more testing to help educate myself on your mod.