


Suggestion: hire villagers as chefs/pizza sellers

exocyt0sis opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I think it would be really neat if villagers could be employed as chefs, baking and selling their pizzas at a cosy pizza parlor players build! Here are a few ideas:

  • Of course, they wouldn't do it for free - so perhaps they expect a certain number of emeralds every now and then to carry on their work.

  • The villager chefs look for the ingredients in a chest, a cupboard or at another location that works as an inventory.

  • The player and that hired the villager can create a menu which the chef follows when browsing the inventory for ingredients.

  • Prices for each individual type of pizza can be set in the menu.

  • Fresh pizzas are baked on demand using a customer GUI, in which hungry customers pay using emeralds.

  • Chefs close up around midnight, and go to work sometime in the morning.