Plasmo Voice

Plasmo Voice


plasmo voice preventing server for stopping properly

DinoTK opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I've tested it with and without plasmo-voice in my mods, and found it's preventing my server from stopping properly. Probably some conflict with other mods.
Here's all the information I can give you for now:

With plasmo-voice, when I stop the server, it not stop completly and I need to close the prompt window manually, and when I do that, it appears the message "Want to finalize the batch file (Y/N)?" (translated from portuguese, Brasil - original text: "Deseja finalizar o arquivo em lotes (S/N)?").

-mods list can be found in the logs attached below, in the pastebin link

-server log with plasmo-voice
-server log without plasmo-voice

Besides this issue, I want to thank you for your good and beautiful work on this mod. I really apreciate it!


After downloading the "1.2.5-test-client" version, fixed this issue. Thank you for the support!


It's not a crash, at all. And for what I see, my world is saving normaly with this issue.
But I'm scared of loosing some data in this process of brutely closing the prompt window.